The Time is Right for the City to Step Up & Improve Public Transit
We welcome Mayor-Elect Ed Gainey to the helm of the City of Pittsburgh, and share his vision for advancing economic mobility, racial and gender equity, clean air, and climate justice. World-class cities like Pittsburgh should strive for excellence, provide better opportunities for citizens, and afford residents the freedom to improve their lives.
Affordable, accessible, quality public transit is central to achieving these goals. The Pittsburgh 100 Days Transit Platform is how we get there.
Although many believe that transit is exclusively within the purview of the Port Authority and is governed solely by our county and state legislators, the power of local governments to bring big improvements for transit riders should not be underestimated. Local transit initiatives have the power to map Pittsburgh’s future cityscape while also improving housing equity and creating economic growth for all residents.
There is a lot that the city can do to improve transit – this ambitous yet achievable vision can guide the way. See the full Pittsburgh 100 Days Transit Platform here.
The Pittsburgh 100 Days Transit Platform was created in collaboration with dozens of residents – including transit riders, those who have experienced housing insecurity, and those with experience navigating City streets with a disability – as well as with organizations that have strong insights into what is needed to ensure Pittsburgh’s transportation network is effective, safe, and accessible to all.
Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) together with the undersigned organizations and our constituencies support Mayor-Elect Gainey’s campaign goal, “to ensure everyone, especially children, seniors, and people with disabilities, can move through our city safely.” We all view safe, affordable, accessible, quality transportation not as a privilege, but as a right of all residents. The Pittsburgh 100 Days Transit Platform is intended to set us moving in the right direction, so that our City can become a national beacon for Mobility Justice.
Our four mobility goals for the Mayor and the City of Pittsburgh are.
Pittsburgh 100 Day Platform Supporters:
1 Hood Power
Access Mob
Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh
Alliance for Police Accountability
Bike Pittsburgh
Bloomfield Development Corporation
Breathe Project
Casa San Jose
City County Task Force on Disabilities
Clean Air Council
Coalition of Organized Residents of East Liberty Hill District Consensus Group
Just Harvest
Lawrenceville United
Neighborhood Community Development Fund
Oakland Planning and Development Corp.
Penn Plaza Support and Action
Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network
Perry Hilltop/Fineview Citizens Council
PGH Green New Deal Group
Pittsburgh Black Worker Center
Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group (read PCRG’s independent letter of support here)
Pittsburgh Human Rights City Alliance Pittsburgh United
Pittsburghers for Public Transit
Polish Hill Civic Association
UrbanKind Institute
Wellness Pittsburgh
West End P.O.W.E.R.
(read evolve Environment :: Architecture’s independent letter of support here)
(read Design for Pittsburgh’s independent letter of support here)
The new City administration and numerous council members have expressed their support of the platform. City elected official quotes are included below.
Mayor-Elect Ed Gainey: “I want to thank the members of PPT for preparing these recommendations for the future of transportation policy in Pittsburgh, and I look forward to working with them as we build the infrastructure to make Pittsburgh a city for all. Over the coming months, my transition team and I will review these recommendations and work with PPT and other stakeholders to build a plan for local and regional transportation systems that meet the needs of every Pittsburgher.”
Councilmember Deb Gross: “As a city we value affordable housing, equity, and accessibility, but we have not aligned our actions with our values. I support Pittsburghers for Public Transit’s proposals like building affordable housing near major transportation routes because it is a clear actionable policy and it will help us build a stronger city.”
Councilmember Erika Strassburger: “Investing in our transportation infrastructure does not just mean working with Port Authority to improve transit routes or adding more buses to the fleet, although that is critically important,” said Councilperson Erika Strassburger. “It also means maintaining our sidewalks in all of our communities and identifying potential locations near excellent transit access for workforce and affordable housing. I applaud the work Pittsburghers for Public Transit invested in this report and look forward to working together with them on these multifaceted goals.”
Councilmember Bobby WIlson: “Public transit is absolutely essential to the residents of my district and to the City of Pittsburgh. Even though the Port Authority operates the buses, the City plays a vital role when it comes to sidewalk maintenance and bus stop improvement. My office has brought improvements to stops throughout the Northside but it took advocacy from residents to push for collaboration between the City and the Port Authority. The Pittsburgh 100 Days Platform lays out an inspiring vision for how the City can take a more active role in improving Pittsburgh’s transit, and we look forward to working with the incoming administration to do just that.”
Councilmember Anthony Coghill: “Investments in transit infrastructure, like Port Authority’s forthcoming multi-million dollar ADA accessible Belasco trolley stop, can help keep our communities safe, walkable, and accessible for all. These kinds of investments can’t happen unless the City advocates, supports, and prioritizes public transit. I am grateful that Pittsburghers for Public Transit will continue to campaign for our city to demonstrate and embody the leadership and vision to continue the progress of recent years.”
View the full Pittsburgh 100 Days Transit Platform here & sign below to support this work.
- Prioritization of Accessible, Equitable Mobility Over Corporate Profit and Private Modes of Transportation
- Announce a Walking/Transit/Biking First Approach to Mobility that includes a Pittsburgh Transit Plan
- Identify a set of Mobility Goals that are clear and measurable
- Name a Cabinet-Level Position Dedicated to Mobility Justice and Transportation Access
- Fully Fund and Staff DOMI and the DCP Zoning and Strategic Planning Divisions to Address Present and Future Project Planning and Delivery
- Legislation and Zoning that Supports Transit Use and Affordable Housing
- Announce a Plan to Provide Free Bus Passes to All City Employees and Residents of City-Supported Homeless Shelters by 2023
- Call for a Citywide Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Ordinance
- Call for Higher Levels of Affordability and Density Within Walking Distance of Frequent Transit Routes
- Restart the Citywide Comprehensive Land Use Planning Process (ForgingPgh)
- Minimize or Eliminate Parking Minimums in the Zoning Code
- Designate Representatives from DOMI and DCP to Be in Charge of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
- Audit Data Processes Being Used by Private Tech Companies to Ensure Personal Privacy
- Establish Community-Developed Criteria to Guide DOMI in the External Funding and Grants That it Requests
- Comfortable, Accessible, and Safe Public Transit Connections
- Commit to a Policy of Compensating People with Disabilities for Participating in Infrastructure Planning
- Create a Sidewalk Fund
- Make Sidewalk Access a Priority Through Equitable Enforcement of the ADA and City Sidewalk Maintenance Standards
- Relocate the Remaining 20+ Bus Shelters at Defunct Transit Stops to Priority Stops
- Budget for the Purchase of Sufficient Sidewalk Snow Removal Equipment
- Create a Sidewalk Program at DOMI with a Dedicated Leader
- Bus Lanes and Transit Signal Priority to Ensure Fast, Effective Public Transit
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