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New Advocate Energy on the Pittsburgh Regional Transit Board of Directors!

County Executive Sara Innamorato appoints PPT Member Bobbie Fan to the Pittsburgh Regional Transit Board of Directors! Congratulations, Bobbie! On July 2nd, Allegheny County Council confirmed County Executive Innamorato’s appointment of Bobbie Fan to the Pittsburgh Regional Transit Board of Directors. Check out the official vote here. Bobbie Fan is a long-time member at Pittsburghers […]

Lorena in black with people in the background to her right and red and yellow in the foreground of her photo

PPT’s Summer Membership Drive is Underway: Hear the stories of our members and their transit justice why // La campaña de membresía de verano de PPT está en marcha: escuche las historias de nuestros miembros y entérate por qué luchan por mejoras en transporte público

Lorena shares her story of being a Latino member of PPT and her important work connecting communities – join as a PPT member and help Lorena organize with the Latino Community for better transit access! Lorena comparte su historia de ser miembro latino de PPT y su importante trabajo conectando comunidades – ¡únase como miembro […]

We won Half Fares, now let’s get our community enrolled!

image description: a photo of people smiling and holding “transit moves us” signs with white words spread across the photo Thank you for joining us to celebrate our VICTORY for fair fares! Now it’s time to get our community registered for this new half-fare program that will enable half-price fares for 130,000 residents! This is […]