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Join Our Board! Nominations Are Open for PPT’s 2024 Board Elections

Join the leadership team to coordinate the strategic direction of Pittsburghers for Public Transit. Nominations open until July 7th. Voting open from July 10th to 31st. Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots union of transit riders, transit workers and neighbors. We fight for a public transit system that is expanded, reliable, accessible and affordable […]

PPT’s Spring Training Has Us Blooming New Skills & We Want You to Join Us!

PPT’s Spring Training for organizers and activists will build new skills & grow our organizer family. Reserve your spot at the May 4th training by RSVP’ing today! PPT Spring Training for Members, Organizers and Activists! Saturday May 4th, 9am-3pm (with Happy Hour social time after!), at the Friends Meeting House, 4836 Ellsworth Ave. Its springtime! […]

ACE 100 Days: 18,000+ Residents Said Affordable, Reliable Transit Was Important in the All-In Allegheny Survey. So What’s Next?

Image description: More than a dozen people stand on a staircase smiling and holding signs reading “All in Allegheny” and “Reliable, Modern Transportation and Infrastructure” with County Executive Sara Innamorato in the center. Transit riders and workers are setting the agenda and continuing to work toward our goals This past week, new County Executive Sara […]

PRT’s Bus Network Redesign is a Big Deal and Here’s How to Weigh In

image description: a blue, yellow and white graphic with a bus logo in the top left corner. It shares the zoom meeting info for the PRT bus network redesign meeting on April 16 from 5:30-7:00 pm, and says that meeting video and materials will be posted on the project website. Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT) is […]