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You’re invited! Victory Party for Transit Justice! Free Dinner and Community!

You’re invited! Get your ticket today to join PPT’s Year-End Transit Justice Victory Party! 2023 was a big year for our organizing: We topped 250 dues-paying members! We elected a transit champion into the critical County Executive seat! We organized with state legislators and rallied at the Harrisburg Rotunda steps for new transit funding for […]

Organizing 101: What you need to know to be a successful organizer

PPT Member Morgan Cikowski had an opportunity to work full-time as a PPT Community Organizing Intern. Read what she learned about beginning organizing best practices. Hello World! My name is Morgan and I am the Activism Team Lead at Patagonia Pittsburgh. I was excited to work with a grassroots organization like Pittsburghers for Public Transit […]

Job Posting: Digital Organizer at Pittsburghers for Public Transit

Job Posting: Digital Organizer at Pittsburghers for Public TransitAll applications received by 1/10/24 are guaranteed to be reviewed .pdf available here About Pittsburghers for Public Transit Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots union of transit riders, workers and neighbors. Together we organize for an expanded, affordable and accessible public transit system that meets all […]

The Secret to Getting Around the Transit App Pay Wall – It’s In the Details.

Transit App unveils new paid subscription, taking away access to key features. Free access is available, just message Transit in their app. Launched in 2019, Transit app has become one of the nation’s leading real-time public transit trackers. For those unfamiliar, Transit uses a crowdsourcing model to collect data of live bus times via user […]

Give feedback on our 2024 Strategic Plan!

Want to help shape the future of transit justice in Pittsburgh? This is your last chance to help PPT create our 2024 strategic plan–and the future of our organizing!  PPT is dedicated to a democratically-made strategic plan, which means that your feedback and visions are an integral part of the creation process. We’ve put together […]