PPT Blog

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Pre-Rally Meeting! Why We Fight for TransitForAllPA!

Join this pre-rally meeting to connect with transit riders and transit workers from across the state to talk about the critical importance of transit for all Pennsylvania! Help us shape our messaging for the rally on April 30th and determine which Elected Officials we need to turn up the heat on.  Learn more about the Mo’ […]

Meet PPTs Newest Communications Intern, Spencer!

Meet Spencer Jackson! PPT’s newest intern, and a Pittsburgh-based Graphic Designer. Learn a little more about Spencer by reading his bio and some interview answers below: Spencer is a seasoned graphic design professional skilled in innovation consulting and brand development. With a sharp eye for detail and a flair for creativity, he consistently delivers exceptional […]

Mo’ Money Mo’ Service! Rally+Lobby Day for Transit to Move All PA!

Transit Rider+Worker Rally in Harrisburg on April 30th will urge state politicians to connect our communities and pass the first increase to transit funding in over a decade – Join us!   Whether we are black or white, whether we live in big cities, small towns, or rural communities, all Pennsylvanians deserve safe, reliable, dignified […]

PPT Uses New Complete Streets Advisory Group to Encourage Better Transit Infrastructure

PPT Members Organize for Transit Streets with the Renewed Complete Streets Advisory Group PPT members have been organizing for accessible and safe transit streets for several years now, beginning with the Pittsburgh mayoral race of 2021, and with specific policy goals outlined in the Pittsburgh 100 Day Transit Platform. Last fall, PPT won one of […]

BIG CONSTRUCTION on the Red Line will close it all Summer

The Red Line will be closed all summer due to some big (and important) construction projects. See more about the project details on PRT’s website here. The good news is that this is the type of work that only needs to get done every 30-40 years……the bad news is that it’s finally time for PRT […]