Bad schedules steal our time: Tell your story to help workers and riders have better days
image description: left side of the graphic reads “Transit Workers and Transit Riders Deservve Better Schedules, Better Service, Better Days”. Right side of the graphic has illustration of riders hold signs standing behind a transit worker
Bad schedules steal time from transit workers and transit riders.
Take part in Transit Worker Appreciation Day by advocating for better scheduling at PRT. Share your story about how better schedules could mean better days for riders and workers:
image description: photo of bus with a quote from a Bus Operator on the 82, “82 is overcrowded all the time because its one of the few direct downtown routes since PRT cut the 61s and 71s, and the schedules don’t accommodate all the riders that now rely on this route.”image description: photo of bus with a quote from a Bus Operator on the 6, “On the 6, they added 6 minutes to the inbounded but took 5 minutes from the outbound. And you have to walk 200 yards to the bathroom and back, but no time.”image description: photo of a bus with a quote from a Bus Operator on the 54, “The schedule gives operators on the 54, from Polish Hill to Oakland 21 minutes, but from Oakland to Polish Hill on the same route is 13 minutes. That makes us late and kills our layover time.”image description: photo of a bus with a quote from a Bus Operator on the 61c, “Schedules have been changing all the time with construction all over the place. The best improvement would be with communication of detouring to the public.”