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Sign the Petition: Demand that PennDOT Make McKnight Rd Safe for Transit Riders!
Sign the petition! Demand PennDOT make McKnight Rd safe for all people to move! PennDOT is about to begin a $25 million improvement project on McKnight Rd. Not a single dollar is being spent on improving sidewalks or transit access. While we understand that infrastructure upgrades are important, we demand that plans for upgrades […]

Change is Coming: We’re Ready for a PRT Board With Members Who Ride The Bus
New County Executive Innamorato controls 6 appointees to the PRT Board of Directors. (5 of those appointments are sitting on expired terms, and at least 2 of those seats need to be filled by new people. There’s no denying it: changes are coming to the PRT Board) We are eager to see appointees who ride […]

TAKE ACTION! Write Your State Officials to Support the Governor’s Transit Funding Plan
Take Action Now to Expand Access for All Pennsylvanians! Gov. Shapiro needs to include transportation funding in his budget address! Whether we live in Harrisburg or Pittsburgh, Wilkes Barre or Erie, rural towns or Philadelphia, all Pennsylvanians deserve safe, reliable, dignified access to the places they need to go. But right now, transit riders […]

Bus Stop Audits: Join The Fight for A Better Place to Wait
It’s time to take a closer look at bus stops in Pittsburgh. Join us for a community audit. Pittsburghers For Public Transit’s Organizing Committee will be conducting a month of Bus Shelter Audits to inventory what is lacking at shelters, and identify where new shelters need to go. Our first audit will kick off Sunday, […]

Join A Meeting With Your Elected Official to Talk Service
Sign up to join PPT and speak to your elected officials about how they can fight for better public transit service. From the Federal, to the State, to the County, to the Local: elected officials at all levels have a role to play in building world-class public transit. PPT Is driving this narrative home during […]

Representing Our Routes: Legislative Roundtable to Fund the Transit Service We Deserve
Join us for “Representing Our Routes: Legislative Roundtable for Securing the Transit Service We Deserve”NEW LOCATION: Pentecostal Church Temple, 6300 East Liberty Blvd Who: Elected representatives in local, county, state and federal government, Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT), transit riders and press What: We will hear stories from transit riders about the current state of […]