We won Half Fares, now let’s get our community enrolled!

image description: a photo of people smiling and holding “transit moves us” signs with white words spread across the photo

Thank you for joining us to celebrate our VICTORY for fair fares! Now it’s time to get our community registered for this new half-fare program that will enable half-price fares for 130,000 residents! This is a major step toward more accessible transit for all.

Here’s what you need to know about the program and resources to help you enroll your members:

The Department of Human Services (DHS) is funding a county-led half-fare program. The Allegheny Go program launched on June 3, 2024 with the opportunity to sign up for the program through the Allegheny Go website and via the Ready2Ride app. 

With this launch we’re asking you to do four things:

1. Educate yourself on the new program

2. Educate and train your membership on the program

3. Share the resources with your community and help get them signed up for the Allegheny Go half-fare program!

4. Share on your social media and in your newsletter

You can start by watching this video for step by step instructions to enroll in the program:

Learn how to apply for Allegheny Go!

Take a look at the fact sheet How-To Guide in English or Spanish:

How to in English

How to in Spanish

image description: People standing in a line, smiling; tan buildings appear in the background

Now we’ve won half fares for all qualifying Allegheny County residents. We know that we’re not done until we win free fares, but this is a vital milestone in that fight.

More than one hundred organizations pushing for this program for the past four years have made this happen. And for that, we thank you. The fight for fully free fares for low-income residents is much stronger with our coalition. We know that with your partnership we will get there!

We also want to thank the county-wide leadership that our legislators have shown in working with us to get this half-fare program launched. Co-governance is the cornerstone of political progress and getting this program launched is a win for all communities, including our political representatives. Thank you for standing with us in this fight. 

Allegheny Go will enable all residents who currently receive SNAP/EBT benefits and their entire household to access half-priced transit fare on all Pittsburgh Regional Transit buses and trains.

Since our campaign kicked off more than 4 years ago our advocacy has encouraged thousands of transit riders, hundreds of volunteers, dozens of elected officials, and dozens of organizations to uplift the call for more affordable fares. We would not be here today if it was not for their organizing. You can check out fairfaresnow.com to learn more about the campaign’s history.

It’s time to go!
Share on your social media!

DHS invites you to share more about the program on your social media.
Share on social media, including Facebook, Instagram and X (formerly Twitter).

Promote the Allegheny Go program to your community with this flyer from the Department of Human Services:

Download and share the flyer.

For any more details on the Allegheny Go program visit: https://discountedfares.alleghenycounty.us

This website is where you will find information on whether you qualify for the program, how to enroll in the program, direct contacts for any issues or questions with enrolling, how-to information, and more! 

The Allegheny Go program is being managed by DHS with organizations like ours advocating for the registration of over 100,000 qualifying residents by doing our part to make sure we understand the program, that we can register eligible members, and spread the word about the program. 

The DHS contact if you were to have questions that aren’t answered on the website or in these resources is Terrance McGeorge, who can be contacted at Terrance.McGeorge@alleghenycounty.us

You can help PPT organize to make the Allegheny Go income-based transit fare program a success by signing up to spread the work during our summer organizing push! Stay tuned for opportunities to join us for tabling in the community!

Come out and talk to riders this summer with PPT!  Want to ensure the success of this campaign and show Allegheny County that we are more than ready for fair fares? We need your help to spread the word about the new discounted fares program to riders and urge them to enroll. Sign-up to volunteer and we will contact you about training and upcoming tabling events!

Sign up to help us make the program a success

Having issues with the app?

We encourage you, as our partners, to reach out to us with any feedback you have for the app if you hit any roadblocks, or just have general feedback. 

Together we know we can make this app what it needs to be for transit riders to easily enroll in and use the program. 

We’d love to hear from you so we can share the feedback with PRT so that they may make necessary changes to the app. 

Contact us at: info@pittsburghforpublictransit.org