Port Authority is holding BRT community education and feedback meetings in
Oakland: June 19+28
Uptown: June 20
Greenfield and Squirrel Hill: June 27
Downtown: June 28
Come out and give your input on station location, and find out your how bus service in your community will be impacted. Folks that ride the 61a, 61b, 61c, 71a, 71c and 71d could have less frequent service and required transfers.
Residents of Regent Square, Braddock, Elizabeth and Duquesne could lose their one-seat ride to downtown and are encouraged to show up to share concerns.
More details about the meetings here.
PPT sees opportunities here, but still has a lot of questions and concerns.
-What will the schedules look like for the local service on the 61’s and 71’s? How often will they come?
-Why aren’t you having community meetings in the communities that will be getting less frequent service and the places that will lose one-seat rides to downtown (Duquesne, Braddock, Regent Square, Elizabeth)?
-Are transfers going to be free?
-How are you going to handle the curb-to-curb drop off for Access vehicles?
-Where are you going to come up with 230 million dollars in local money, if the federal money is not available?