Post Gazette Covers PPT’s Demands around Port Authority CEO Search

“The group recently presented the authority with a letter calling for the agency to allow groups to participate in the process and identifying the qualities it wants to see in a new CEO.

“We respectfully request that, as an important public asset, the public be given an opportunity to weigh in on the final selection of a CEO,” Laura Weins of Pittsburghers for Public Transit wrote.

The group recommended that “labor, riders, policy advocates, neighborhood groups and foundations” be involved in the initial screening process for a new CEO.

Then, finalists should participate in a public forum and take questions, much like some school districts and universities do before selecting a new leader.

Among the qualities the group wants to see in the new CEO is someone who “recognizes that mass transit is first and foremost a public good, and not a business out to make a profit.”

In addition to transit skills, the new leader also should show transparency by including community voices in all decisions; work toward reducing the negative impact that transportation and housing policy can have on low-income communities; have demonstrated skills working with other government leaders and community groups.”…/Port-Aut…/stories/201707100008