Pittsburghers for Public Transit joined GoBurgh to help kick off the first annual Transit Day in Market Square on Thursday, May 9th. We helped distribute “Transit YES!” pins while collecting signatures for our Transit Bill of Rights. Thanks to the organizers and everyone who turned out and signed up to help support the push for sustainable, dedicated funding for public transportation!
You can help us keep the pressure on our government officials to stop the cuts and create more, better, and cheaper public transportation by joining PPT and our coalition partners statewide to Rumble the Rotunda in Harrisburg on June 4! Register today by clicking on the “Rally Registration” in our top menu.
Even if you can’t make the rally, you can still aid in our efforts by signing onto the Transit Bill of Rights Petition and getting your friends and family, neighbors and coworkers to do the same! You can easily do so right now online by clicking on the above tab. More transit, not less!