*Picture of around 40 61 A,B, & C campaign stakeholders and bus riders seated in the Braddock Library in a semi-circle, planning next steps for the fight to protect local bus service.
Last week, Next City wrote an article about Pittsburgh’s BRT plans and the concerns around cuts to the Mon Valley, quoting Laura Wiens as saying “’As transit advocates, there are certainly things to like about BRT”…’We definitely like the idea of bus only lanes and transit signal prioritization and electric buses. The sidewalk and pedestrian infrastructure improvements all make sense to us.’
But, she continues, ‘Our concern is it’s a huge capital investment project that’s undermining transit service for our most transit-dependent riders.’”
And three Pittsburgh news outlets raised the issue of proposed cuts to the 61 bus lines last week to the Port Authority and municipal representatives, unprompted by PPT or Just Harvest actions: the Trib, Post-Gazette, and WESA all asked about the impacts of cuts to local bus service with the BRT project. The campaign has taken on a life of its own!
Si se puede!