MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: Thursday, August 19, 2021 — 11:00 am
CONTACT: Laura Chu Wiens, Pittsburghers for Public Transit,, (703) 424-0854
THURS 11 am: Activists in Allegheny County, PA Call on Rep. Conor Lamb to “Seal the Deal” and Pass the Full Jobs and Infrastructure Package, Prioritizing Climate Solutions, Green Jobs and Transit Justice
Event in Penn Hills is One of Over 70 Around Country Urging Support for Reconciliation Bill With Climate Protections and Transit Provisions, Groups Say Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Alone Is Not Enough
Penn Hills, PA — On Thursday, August 19th, residents of Allegheny County will join dozens of activists and concerned residents of PA in a rally outside of Rep. Conor Lamb’s Penn Hills Office to demonstrate the need for improvements to and passage of the $3.5T reconciliation package that just passed the Senate. Event organizers will urge members of Congress to pass a full economic recovery plan that truly invests in climate justice, green jobs, and public transit.
The rally will call on Rep Lamb to restore the $10 billion cut from public transit in the Senate bipartisan infrastructure plan that was already agreed to by both parties, to end the subsidy for fossil fuels, and to prioritize investment in electrification infrastructure. These investments will support green, family-sustaining jobs and address critical equity and public health needs in our communities.
“Many families lack transportation to work, shopping, medical appointments and other essential services. The current cost of purchasing a car and the lack of auto repair parts is an added hurdle for many. Penn Hills lacks adequate public transportation and sidewalks. The need for resources to help our community residents is greatly needed,” says Joyce Davis, President of Just Solutions of Western PA.
The rally will call on Representative Lamb to deliver on the full $3.5 trillion of investments already authorized by the Senate—before moving the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure deal, which is far too small on its own.
Participants will carry signs that read “No cuts to climate, transit, and worker justice!”, “Invest in our communities”, and other signs that call for immediate action on climate change and transit funding.
“It is long past time for us to end the subsidies to industries that pollute our air and water, and invest in green industries that will offer good jobs, a clean environment, and a livable future,” Laura Jacko, Verona, Pa resident and Sierra Club Volunteer
Information for the #SealTheDeal event, which calls on Congress to ensure the communities most affected to receive at least half of the investment, not a penny less, is below:
WHERE: Rep Conor Lamb’s Office, 11 Duff Rd, Pittsburgh PA 15235
WHEN: Thursday, August 19th. 11 am.
WHO: Members of Sierra Club, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, Women for a Healthy Environment, Clean Air Council and the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 85.
LOCAL CONTACT: Laura Chu Wiens, (703) 424-0854,
Thursday’s event is part of a national day of action organized by the Green New Deal Network coalition in support of passage of the full jobs and infrastructure package including climate, care, and justice priorities such as electric school buses and lead pipe replacement. 71 other events are happening in 34 states across the country.
The August congressional recess is a critical opportunity for communities to share their views and concerns with their leaders. Thursday’s “Seal the Deal” events will meet members of Congress on their home turf and ensure they hear from constituents how important it is that they urgently pass the full jobs and infrastructure deal, including the $3.5 trillion reconciliation package.
The bipartisan infrastructure bill, passed in the Senate earlier this month, was not only too small to effectively combat the climate crisis but also fails to adequately protect the health of our communities. Because of this, the $3.5 trillion reconciliation budget passed in the Senate, is the Democrats’ last opportunity to invest in real climate infrastructure, including the greening & increased operations of public transportation, school bus electrification, electric vehicle infrastructure, and the removal of lead pipes, as well as large investments into the care economy.
You can see a list of all national events, with more information about the #SealTheDeal campaign HERE:
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