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Take Action Now to Expand Transit Funding in PA!
Take Action Now to Expand Transit Funding in PA! We deserve safe, dignified, reliable, public transportation, and right now the federal government has offered us unprecedented opportunity to achieve these ends. Today, local governments cannot enact local taxes or fees to raise funds for public transportation initiatives. And with permanently-changed travel patterns since the pandemic, ridership […]

Some 61s and 71s will stop running to downtown. Here’s how to give feedback.
Major changes are being proposed to the 61D, 71A, 71C, and 71D. Riders have two opportunities to give feedback before they take effect on October 1 Pittsburgh Regional Transit has announced that some major changes to service on the 61D, 71A, 71C, and 71D will go into effect on October 1st. The changes are being […]

Join the Labor Parade With Transit Riders and Transit Workers
Join PPT and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 85 to march in the 2023 Labor Day Parade! PPT is a grassroots union of both transit riders and transit workers. We know that we are the ones using the system every day and that together, we have the knowledge needed to improve conditions for us all. One […]

It’s Simple: More Workers = More Service = More Riders = More Justice
The reinstatement of fired transit workers will provide some immediate relief to our current service crisis. But in order to create public transit that gets us to more places, more quickly, with more reliability, PRT must show us how they plan to treat existing workers with dignity and hire more. Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) […]

Special Photos: Magic Times at PPT’s 2023 Summer Picnic!
PPT Members know how to organize – and party! 100 members celebrated our victories at Mellon Park. And wrapped up a successful Summer Membership drive that brought on 115 new and renewing PPT Members! Wednesday, August 9th, was our 2023 PPT Family Picnic and we had a ball. 100 PPT Members, their friends, and family […]

Congratulations to PPT’s New Board Members!
7 PPT Members were elected to the PPT Board until 2025 Pittsburghers for Public Transit is unique in having a fully democratically, member-elected Board of Directors. Every year, half of the general member seats are voted upon for a two-year term, as well as one of the two specific seats allocated for members of the […]