Want to help shape the future of transit justice in Pittsburgh? This is your last chance to help PPT create our 2024 strategic plan–and the future of our organizing!
PPT is dedicated to a democratically-made strategic plan, which means that your feedback and visions are an integral part of the creation process. We’ve put together a digital form so that you can tell us all your thoughts. Our staff and PPT Board of Directors will then combine all the feedback we’ve gathered–both here and at October’s workshop–into a final draft that we’ll vote on at our end-of-year party!
All feedback is welcome, no matter how big or small. After all, you’re the experts in using Pittsburgh’s transit system!
Click the button below to give feedback via our Google form, which has both English and Spanish text. Quick! We’ll be closing the form next week (Wednesday, November 22), so now’s the perfect time to get started!