Celebrate Transit Worker Appreciation Day March 21st!

Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) is celebrating National Transit Worker Appreciation Day on Tuesday, March 21st. PPT encourages riders and residents to thank our Port Authority bus and rail operators and maintenance workers for keeping us moving. We are coordinating over a dozen volunteers to distribute thank you cards and candy to transit riders, who can deliver them to their bus operators. We will also be distributing cards to maintenance workers. These cards say: “Because you rock, I roll,” and “Thanks for keeping us moving.”

On March 21st, volunteers will go to the Manchester Maintenance Shop (2235 Beaver Ave) at 9 am to thank the maintenance workers.

Thank you cards will be available to any riders, between 2 and 6 pm outside the Wood St T station downtown. Riders can also print out their own cards at this website: www.transitdriverday.org


We appreciate the opportunity to thank and honor the 2,000 public transit workers in Allegheny County who get riders to our destinations safely. These workers are out 365 days a year in rain, snow, ice, and frigid temperatures, as well as our hot summers. Bus operators collect fares, help riders find their way, handle safety issues, keep to a strict route schedule, and manage their way through traffic—along the steep and winding streets of our region. Maintenance workers maintain, repair, and clean the rails, buses, busways, stations, etc.  These workers are the backbone of our transit system, and we are grateful for the work they do each day to keep Allegheny County moving.

“The drivers deal with all the traffic so that I don’t have to.” –James Keener.

“I appreciate transit workers because they drive me to all of the places I need to go safely and stress free.” –Daisha Bernal

Social media tags: #pghlovestransitworkers, #transitworkerday, #thankyoutransitworkers

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/420909534915300/