FRIDAY MORNING BUS CUT RALLY DOWNTOWN!!/event.php?eid=162088440518701
29 April · 08:30 11:30

Heinz Building, Sixth Street Pittsburgh, Pa

To All PPT Members;

We are scheduling a Rally in front of the Heinz Building on Friday April 29th at 8:30 am.

Port Authority Board Meeting begins at 9:30 am.

We have been silent for too long, we cannot afford to continue to wait for Dan Onorato and Steve Bland to decide to come back to the table and negotiate in good faith, We have to take it back to the streets and make our voice heard again. They are hoping that we have gone away. The people who have lost their means of transportation and the people who have lost their jobs because Dan Onorato, Steve Bland, and the Port Authority Board of Directed chose to make these unnecessary transit cuts have to come together as one voice to show these cuts have hurt so many lives.

Transit Riders and Transit Supporters Please take the time to forward this email to your friends, Labor leaders please send this to all in your address book, Port Authority employees please email, call, or text your co-workers and let them know about this rally. It is very important that we have a strong showing so that our message is clear, WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY! We will not stop until these cuts are restored, and all of our laid off brothers and sisters are returned to their jobs.

In Solidarity,

Any Questions call
Bryon Shane 412-999-9208
Mike Harms 421-715-5212