ACCESS IS L♥VE: Help PPT make our organization and its work more accessible

Image of PPT Member Bill McDowell at a comfortable bus stop with shelter and sign, next to text that reads “ACCESS IS L♥VE”

Help PPT build an access-centered movement. Take the PPT Accessibility Survey now

In efforts to make Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) a more accessible organization, we are conducting a survey to identify areas we need to improve on and things we can do differently.

Your thoughts irrespective of whether you attended a meeting or took part in a campaign are very valuable. We would appreciate it if you can spend around 15 minutes to complete our survey.

Your responses will help us to better engage transit riders and operators in Allegheny County in our efforts to expand and defend public transit.

* If you prefer to fill out a paper copy, need a large print copy, need the survey in another language, or need any other accommodations, email: Toni Haraldsen*
* If you prefer to fill this out over the phone, call or text to set up a time: Jessica Benner at 3042687672 *
* Si prefiere completar una copia en papel, necesita una copia en letra grande, necesita la encuesta en otro idioma o necesita cualquier otra adaptación, envíe un correo electrónico a: Toni Haraldsen *
* Si prefiere completar esto por teléfono, llame o envíe un mensaje de texto para programar una hora: Jessica Benner al 3042687672 *

Meme of Bernie Sanders saying “I am once again asking…. [you to take the PPT accessibility survey]”

And we wanted to share some resources that have been guiding PPT’s conversations around accessibility