Pittsburghers for Public Transit is partnering with our friends at Occupy Pittsburgh (http://www.occupypittsburgh.org) for the following action:
Week of Action – Occupy Pittsburgh Public Transit Action
As many of you know, Port Authority of Allegheny County is pondering additional service cuts – up to 35% – effective in 2012. Last March, they proposed the same number, but after public outcry, demonstrations, and work done by Pittsburghers for Public Transit (http://www.pittsburghersforpublictransit.org/), the cuts were reduced to 15%.
But funding issues continue to prevail, and riders and drivers are faced with another round of cuts, which combined with the March 2011 cuts, would reduce transit service hours in Allegheny County by 50%! A recent article explaining the cuts: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/11333/1193283-53-0.stm
As part of Occupy Pittsburgh’s call for a week of action to bring attention to the issues the movement focuses on, we are partnering with Pittsburghers for Public Transit and One Pittsburgh for a transit action this Friday, December 16, 2011. Occupy Pittsburgh participants will meet at the People’s Park by 3:00 pm, then will hit the streets to take part in an action throughout downtown, focusing on local bus stops during Friday’s rush hour. A call to action will be handed out to people waiting at the stops, which explains the looming cuts to service, who they can contact to voice their concerns and request a moratorium on all cuts to transit service.
Please join us in this effort to educate and empower people to demand that transit service not be reduced, effectively putting many people – both driver and riders – in danger with their jobs and limiting or eliminating their right to transportation.
Meet by 3:00 pm at People’s Park, 6th & Grant, downtown; contacts: Maria and Calvin
See you there!