PPT Member, Swetha Jasti, is doing a study on how bus stop consolidation is affecting communities. Help her out and get involved!
Riders and operators of the 16-Brighton or 51-Carrick: are you interested in participating in research on bus stop consolidation? Your contribution will be part of a research project that aims to place riders and bus operators at the center of the conversation about bus stop consolidation.
Bus stop consolidation is the process by which bus stops are removed. The Port Authority has implemented this process on the 16 and 51, and we would like to get rider and operator input on its effects.
Your participation in this research would involve a 15-30 minute interview in-person or over the phone. In-person interviews will be conducted at the branches of the Carnegie library. Your contribution will be part of a research project that aims to place riders and bus operators at the center of the conversation about bus stop consolidation. Any opinions that you express on this topic will remain anonymous. The only risk associated with your participation is a breach of confidentiality; however, this risk will be minimized by storing your contact information (name, email, and phone) separately from your interview answers. There are no direct benefits to you from participation. Additionally, your participation is voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any time.
The principal investigator of this research is Swetha Jasti, a sociology student at the University of Pittsburgh.