240+ supporters!
Raised $18,000+!
PPT is rising for transit justice!
It is time to celebrate! PPT is about to close out a wildly successful year-end fundraising campaign! Together, our grassroots network mobilized over 240 supporters to raise over $18,000!
We did this as a team, coming together to say that public transit is a human right! That bus lines are lifelines! That we have a right to our city. And that our elected officials and agencies need to be accountable to people, not developers’ profit.
But its not too late to join this movement! Give your gift now to propel PPT’s work into 2020!
PPT sends a heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this campaign a success!
As always with PPT, it is only through grassroots leadership that we accomplish anything. There were dozens of members and volunteers who came together for this win. We need to thank everyone who was involved in putting on an amazing party, two successful phone banks, sharing stories for our fundraising appeals, writing and performing transit sing-alongs!, donating (and painting!) items for our auction, brainstorming messages for our outreach, taking photos, engaging on social media, and giving your TIME, DOLLARS, and SOLIDARITY!