Twenty-one PPT volunteers, including eleven Port Authority riders and ten drivers, took to the streets of Baldwin on Saturday, May 10 to see if residents wanted their bus back and if they were willing to take action to get it, and the answer to both was a resounding “yes.” We surveyed over 300 people in the neighborhood, all of whom agreed restoring public transit service was a vital need for their community. We heard stories from workers whose daily commute has increased to four hours round-trip following the cut of the Spencer route, from seniors who have taken to hitchhiking down the hill to get to local businesses, from landlords who are unable to fill their rentals because there’s no transit access, and many more.
We’ll be doing our part to make sure all these voices and those of the many other under-served neighborhoods around the county are heard by decision-makers. Help us to communicate the transit needs of our communities by sharing our online survey and volunteering to survey your neighbors!