PPT Members know how to organize – and party! 100 members celebrated our victories at Mellon Park. And wrapped up a successful Summer Membership drive that brought on 115 new and renewing PPT Members!
Wednesday, August 9th, was our 2023 PPT Family Picnic and we had a ball. 100 PPT Members, their friends, and family gathered in Mellon Park to celebrate the victories that we’ve won so far in 2023 and have a whole lotta fun with our crew. We got to hang out, eat great food, listen to inspiring speakers, groove to fun DJs and party into the evening. Events like these bring us together as an organization. We build bonds with other members and create connections to our work. This develops the type of trust and commitment to each other that strengthens our organization. We are fighting for each other and we love it!
But our picnic wasn’t just fun and games, we also got down to business! PPT Staff Nicole and Laura worked with PPT Members Dean, Laura, and Teaira to host a PPT Member engagement station. At the engagement station, members had their last opportunity to vote in our 2023 PPT Board Elections. They also had a chance to kick off our 2024 Strategic Planning process.
115 people joined or renewed their PPT Membership during our Summer Member Drive. You can join this community and win improvements in our communities by becoming a PPT Member today:
We want to send thanks to all of the PPT Members who joined us – especially all those who volunteered to help set up, facilitate, and break down the party. We also want to say thank you to all the PPT Members who showed up ready to speak power to why our organizing is important during the program portion of the picnic – Mel Packer, Joy Dore, Damitra Penny-Harris, Antonia Guzman, Teaira Collins, and Sascha Craig. And finally, we need to send a big loving shoutout to all of the folks who helped with their professional services: DJ Franky Nitty for spinning fun tunes all night (send DJ Frank an email djfranknitte412@gmail.com or check out his facebook to book him), Chef Khristian Sheard for providing us some DELICIOUS catering; fried chicken, pulled pork, green beans, pasta salad, kung pow coliflower, Mmmm! Mmm! (you can book her by sending an email or Facebook Message), O’Ryan the O’Mazing for dazzling us with their circus performer talents (oryantheomazing.com for info and booking).
Thanks for PRT Bus Operator Khristian Sheard for providing the catering and to DJ Frank Nitte for spinning A+ tunes all night (send DJ Frank an email djfranknitte412@gmail.com or check out his facebook to book him).