Support Students. Support Ceasefire. Support Divestment from War & Investment in Public Goods.

photo credit TribLive. image description: photo of pro-Palestine Cease Fire activists in Pittsburgh holding signs and a Palestinian flag\

People at the Pitt Solidarity Encampment are asking for you to support them with your presence on Bigelow between Fifth and Forbes. They are also looking for the following supplies: 

  • Portable power banks
  • Water
  • Coffee
  • Snacks

Support students. Support ceasefire. Support divestment from war and investment in public goods – transit, housing, healthcare, education, and all that people need to thrive.

We at Pittsburghers for Public Transit support the Pitt community encampment against the genocide in Palestine and in favor of the divestment of institutional resources from this military action. Many of our members are leaders in this movement, and we honor the courage and moral leadership of the students who are standing for justice in this moment.  We oppose the violent police and military response to these peaceful protests. 

The participants in these encampments have a right to this city and to public space. We all have a right to have our public tax money serving our needs – for affordable housing, public transit, public healthcare, quality education, and more – and not being directed towards war and the killing of innocent families in Gaza.

Follow these local organizations leading this movement for the most up-to-date information: