Image description: PPT Member Delmis Cabrera smiles and looks into the camera. Her quote is superimposed on the right aide of the image “¡Logros como este solo suceden cuando alzamos la voz juntos!” [Victories like this only happen when we raise our voices together!]. Behind her is a photo of PPT members holding signs at a rally.
“¡Logros como este solo suceden cuando alzamos la voz juntos!” [Victories like this only happen when we raise our voices together!] – Delmis Cabrera, PPT Member
Su membresía o donación de PPT ayudará a nuestra defensa con vecinos como Delmis para construir un sistema equitativo para todos.
Your PPT membership or donation will help our advocacy with neighbors like Delmis to build an equitable transit system for all.

image description: an illustration by Marcel Walker has 5 adults and one child holding a balloon cheerfully talking as they wait in line to board a bus. A bus driver is smiling and waving as he pulls up to the curb. A sign at the left of the image reads, “This Bus is for All of Us”. And a second sign on the farebox inside the bus reads “Fare-Free”. The little girl’s balloon reads, “Ride With Us”.
Querido amigo de PPT,
Mi vida sería imposible sin el transporte público.
Mi nombre es Delmis Cabrera y no les mentiré: mudarme a Pittsburgh desde Honduras no ha sido fácil. Mi familia y yo debemos desplazarnos para llegar al trabajo, la escuela, las visitas al médico, las citas de inmigración y las compras de comestibles – todo sin un automóvil y con recursos limitados.
El precio de todo ha subido, pero nuestros salarios no. Mis amigos de Casa San José me presentaron al PPT y a la campaña para obtener tarifas con descuento para familias que reciben beneficios de SNAP/EBT. Inmediatamente me involucré porque un programa como este le permitiría a mi familia traer más comida a nuestro hogar. Sería transformador para nuestras comunidades.
Después de años de organización, el Condado de Allegheny finalmente está lanzando un programa piloto para tarifas con descuento, y debido a que inmigrantes como yo participamos en la campaña, este beneficio también estará disponible para familias como la mía en todo el condado.
¡Ahora necesitamos hacer que este piloto sea permanente y disponible a todos – pero logros como este solo suceden cuando alzamos la voz juntos! Así que únete a nosotros en la construcción de nuestro movimiento aliándote al PPT como miembro hoy.
My life would be impossible without public transit.
My name is Delmis Cabrera and I won’t lie to you: it hasn’t been easy moving to Pittsburgh from Honduras. My family and I need to navigate getting to work, school, visits to the doctor, immigration appointments and grocery shopping – all without a car, and with limited resources.
The price for everything is gone up, but our wages haven’t. My friends at Casa San José introduced me to PPT and the campaign to win discounted fares for families that receive SNAP/EBT benefits. I immediately got involved because a program like this would let my family bring more food to our home. It would be transformational for our communities.
After years of organizing, Allegheny County is finally launching a pilot program for discounted fares – and because immigrants like me were involved in the advocacy, this fare relief will also be available for families like mine across the county.
Now we need to make this pilot permanent and available to all – but victories like this only happen when we raise our voices together! Join us in building our movement by becoming a PPT as a member today.
Con Poder,

Image description: signature of PPT Member Delmis Cabrera
Delmis Y. Cabrera
¡Únase como miembro de PPT hoy y ayude a apoyar a Delmis y PPT mientras nos organizamos para lograr un sistema de tránsito más equitativo y ampliado para todos!
Join as a PPT Member today help support Delmis and PPT as we organize for a more equitable and expanded transit system for all!

Image description: portion of the same illustration by Marcel Walker shown above. A bus operator wears a gray shirt and blue had with a gold badge on his arm. He is waiving and looking out the door as he pulls up to a stop.