BREAKING: Pa. transportation funding bill in jeopardy
Please email your own legislator using this easy to use site . And here’s the site where you can look up the phone number of your state legislator.
Contact Key Legislators
In addition to urging your own elected officials to vote for the funding, we are asking that you reach out to legislators in parts of Pennsylvania where they and their constituents are not as informed on why public transit is so important to the economy and to the tax base of the entire state budget. Please take a few moments to call their offices and share the information below.
Rep. Michelle Brooks 724-588-8911
Rep. Sheryl Delozier 717-761-4665
Rep. Keith Gillespie 717-840-4711
Rep. Glen Grell 717-795-6091
Rep. Sue Helm 717-651-0100
Rep. Mark Keller 717-582-8119
Rep. Ron Marsico 717-652-3721
Rep. John Payne 717-534-1323
Rep. Rick Saccone 412-653-1025
Rep. Stan Saylor 717-244-9232
Rep. Curtis Sonney 814-897-2080
Rep. Mike Turzai 412-369-2230
Please tell them:
- Transportation is a top priority of goverment!
- Pass a robust bill for $2.5B with $500M for transit.
- We demand safe bridges.
- We deserve better roads.
- We need reliable public transit
- Save 12,000 construction jobs
- Save all the jobs that are currently riding on public transit
- And save the businesses that are currently dependent on public transit to bring their customers and employees to their doors
- And ADD the tens of thousands of new construction jobs this bill would help to create.
- All those jobs and businesses produce the urban tax base that pays for the rest of the state budget, including roads and bridges in rural and suburban Pennsylvania.
Please call today! We send enormous thanks to all the volunteers who have already helped reach out to voters and legislators across the state.