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Trip to Harrisburg, May 3

Bryon Shane 29 April 14:29 To All; We are going to Harrisburg with the CLEAR Coalition for the Rally for a Responsible Budget on May 3 at 1:00 PM at the State Capitol in Harrisburg. We need all hands on deck to show our support of a balanced approach to the state budget that includes […]


http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=162088440518701 Time 29 April · 08:30 – 11:30 Location Heinz Building, Sixth Street Pittsburgh, Pa To All PPT Members; We are scheduling a Rally in front of the Heinz Building on Friday April 29th at 8:30 am. Port Authority Board Meeting begins at 9:30 am.…We have been silent for too long, we cannot afford to […]

PA Gov. Tom “Corporate” Forms Transportation Funding Advisory Commission

HARRISBURG, Pa., April 22, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Governor Tom Corbett announced today that he has signed an executive order creating a Transportation Funding Advisory Commission to develop innovative solutions to Pennsylvania’s mounting transportation funding challenges. “We need a comprehensive, strategic blueprint for how we pay for years of underinvestment in our roads, bridges, and mass […]

Get on the Bus: Transit Union Looks to Ally with Riders

Paul McLennan- Labor Notes More than 100 transit activists met in Washington, D.C. in mid-March for the Amalgamated Transit Union’s “boot camp,” learning how to build coalitions between transit workers and transit riders. Responding to the near-universal threat of budget cuts and privatization, transit workers and transit riders are learning how to work together, like […]

Dear Supporter,   Thank you for visiting Pittsburghers for Public Transit’s site!  We’re excited that you want to join us in the fight to protect and expand Pittsburgh’s public transit system. Here’s how you can help!    ·         Come to a PPT meeting!  They are open to all and anyone with an opinion or idea […]

ALERT! County Council Meeting on Transit 3/30, 4pm Rally!

To All Activists: On Wednesday 3/30/2011 (tomorrow) Jim Burn President of Allegheny County Council will be holding a special session of Council at 5:00 pm. We need everyone who can make it in such short notice to come to Grant street in front of the County Courthouse Tomorrow AT 4:00 PM to show we are […]