Do Yinz use the 51 or the 16 bus routes?
(or the 13, 15, 17, 19L, 48, 51L, 54, 55, 59, Y46, Y47, Y49?)
Give your feedback now.
Starting this November, Port Authority is beginning its “Bus Stop Consolidation” program. What does that mean? Well, according to their website:
Your bus stop is the welcome mat to our service. For a better transit experience, we plan to reduce the number of bus stops throughout our system to improve on-time performance while ensuring that you can safely and comfortably access our service.
Yes, that means they are going to remove bus stops (between 25-30% of them), and they’re starting with the 51 Carrick and 16 Brighton. But because multiple routes use the same stop, these cuts will also affect riders on the 13, 15, 17, 19L, 48, 51L, 54, 55, 59, Y46, Y47, Y49.
So if you ride any of these routes, check out the Port Authority’s Bus Stop Consolidation Project Page before the middle of November to see which stops are being eliminated and give your feedback.
Additionally, riders can give their comments to PAAC over the phone by calling 412-442-2000 during their normal business hours: weekdays 5:00am to 7:00pm, and weekends/holidays 8:30am to 4:30pm
Help PPT Collect Input from Riders
Unfortunately, Port Authority’s public engagement during this process has been lackluster. And it falls short of the commonsense bus stop consolidation outreach outlined by TransitCenter. Last month signs were posted at all of the stops that the Authority aims to eliminate. There was no prior outreach to the effected riders on the 51 or 16, nor the operators who drive those routes daily. No signage has been posted inside of these buses before or after the announcement. This is a missed opportunity and it sets the program off on the wrong foot.
Riders and operators need to be brought into the conversation early because they can help think through equitable, effective solutions for our systems. They have important lived-experience with which stops are extraneous and which are community-serving.
PPT is going out to ride the 51 and 16 to notify riders about the upcoming changes and collect their feedback to give to Port Authority. We hope you’ll join us for these upcoming canvasses to help build a system that supports its riders:
- Saturday, October 26th, 10am to 1pm
(Meet at the Crazy Mocha on Liberty Ave/Tito Way at 10am) - Wednesday, November 6th, 5pm-8pm
(Meet at the Crazy Mocha on Liberty Ave/Tito Way at 5pm).
Sign Up to Canvass Here
Blog by
Andrew H.
Founder/COO PGH Bus Hotline
ACTC Member
PPT Member and Comms Committee