Connie Muldrow, age 68, lives in senior citizen housing in the Hill District. The Hill District lost most of its transit service last September.
“We the elderly of the Hill District need public transportation. From Sugar Top down to Bedford Avenue and Center Avenue, transportation is needed very urgently. We have three high rises up on Bedford Avenue where we’re pinned in.”
“We need to go to Giant Eagle and our doctor appointments. It’s hard to make appointments on time when we have to walk 10 blocks to catch a bus to get us downtown and another bus to get us to our appointments.”
“When we go shopping and get off the bus at Webster, we have to walk home 8 or 10 blocks carrying groceries. These hills up here are too big for us older people to walk. I cannot carry too many bags up these hills, and you know this neighborhood is nothing but hills.”
“The Port Authority has not heard our voices, so now our bodies are crying out. Arthritis, sugar, cataracts. Most of the people who need these buses and shuttles are elderly people. We are asking for something, not too much, just some kind of transportation up here.”