Please join PPT at the Summit Against Racism on Sat Jan 23! It will be a day filled with great workshops starting at 8am. PPT is committed to ensuring that there is affordable housing near transit lines and amenities. We are participating in a panel at 230 pm, on “Building Equitable Communities: Strategies for Tenant and Community Organizing.”
Let us know if you plan to attend the summit so we can get the group rate (10 dollars/person). Email casy@
Session description:
As development comes to historically disinvested neighborhoods will existing residents benefit or be priced out? What can be done to avoid displacement, preserve and expand Pittsburgh’s racial diversity, and ensure that the wealth generated through higher property values stays in the community?
Presenters will share models for equitable neighborhood revitalization and outline policies and initiatives to: preserve and expand affordable housing for low-moderate income families and individuals; secure greater tenant and community rights; ensure expanded access to public transportation for low income communities; and mandate democratic, community control of development in our neighborhoods.
Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to share their experiences with these issues and to discuss ways that they can become more involved in the fight for equitable housing, expanded public transit, and community and economic development that benefits all people living in impacted communities.
Ronell Guy is a founding member and Executive Director of the Northside Coalition for Fair Housing.
Alethea Sims is Director of the Coalition of Organized Residents of East Liberty.
Carl RedwoodJr. Is a Pittsburgh community organizer who lives in the Hill District.
Molly Nichols is Community Organizer for Pittsburghers for Public Transit.
Bob Damewood is staff attorney for the statewide Regional Housing Legal Services, Pittsburgh office.
Zoe Mizuho, Facilitator, is a founding member of the Community Land Trust Working Group and a resident of Wilkinsburg.