Just one week away until the RUMBLE…

On June 4th, a convoy of buses will rumble from across Pennsylvania toward the Capitol Rotunda in Harrisburg. 
We’ll deliver solid information at the offices of every single one of our state legislators about why public transit is crucial to the health of all of our communities. Then we’ll raise a mighty human rumble up to the tip-top of the Rotunda dome at a rally, with speakers that include State Senators and Representatives, as well as riders and drivers from across Pennsylvania. 

Please join us! Port Authority buses will be leaving on Tuesday morning, at 7:30 am from two locations;

  • Freedom Corner in the Hill District, at the corner of Crawford and Centre.  
  • David Lawrence Convention Center underpass, near the intersection of 10th St. and Penn Ave and 10th St. Directions are on this web page

You can reserve your free meal and spot on the buses to Harrisburg hereYou can take an 82 bus from downtown to Freedom Corner; for the 82 schedule, click here. You can find multiple buses which will bring you within close proximity to the Convention Center pickup location here: portauthority.org. 

Please pass on the invitation to your friends, family, co-workers, and to your fellow transit riders and drivers!