The Mifflin Estates Transit Campaign celebrated the hard work they put in over the past year, with over 50 residents, bus drivers and PPT activists coming out to eat and find out more about the schedule and service. Thanks to their fight, the 55 will now be running through the community all day and on weekends! There was a shout out in the Trib about the restoration of service and the leaders that made it all possible. Thanks to all who made it such a success!
It is tragic, however, that Mifflin Estates residents had to celebrate in the midst of another attack on transit funding by far right PA legislators in Harrisburg, some of whom voted to defund their own districts’ bus service. Reporter Ryan Deto at the City Paper did an excellent job highlighting the impacts of the proposed budget on our Mifflin Estates campaign and on the potential for bus restoration in places like the North Hills, where community leaders have been pushing for additional transit for the last two years.