NEW TOOLS to Evaluate Draft 1.0 of PRT’s Bus Line Redesign & See Biggest Changes

image description: red graphic with white font that says “New Advocates Tool! Evaluate Impacts” with a logo of Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s Bus Line Redesign.

PPT Research Committee Launches New Community Evaluation & DIY Tools to Understand Impacts of Draft 1.0 of Bus Line Redesign

We at Pittsburghers for Public Transit are organizing for a Busline Redesign that Works for All, and to do that, we know that it is very important for transit riders to be able to understand and provide feedback on Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s Proposed Bus Line Redesign Draft 1.0.

The Bus Line Redesign is enormously complicated, and will change almost every aspect of riders’ transit trips: PRT’s Bus Line Redesign will redraw where almost every bus route will run, how frequently buses come and how early in the morning and late at night buses will operate. Adding to the confusion, PRT is also proposing to rename all the bus routes and eliminate many bus stops across the County. That’s a lot for folks to pay attention to!

If you’re interested in evaluating your bus commute times under PRT’s proposed Busline Redesign 1.0 compared to your current transit trip, you can use our >>Bus Line Redesign DIY Commute Calculator tool here.

High-level evaluation of how some communities’ transit service will be impacted by Draft 1.0 of the Bus Line Redesign

Our Research Committee has been doing a deep dive into how the PRT’s Bus Line Redesign proposal will impact communities. Below, we have highlighted communities and corridors (not specific commutes or trips from A to B) that will see substantial transit service cuts with no proposed replacement routes under the Bus Line Redesign 1.0, and highlighted where neighborhoods will lose direct transit service to other communities or particular destinations under the PRT Bus Line Redesign Draft 1.0. 

Below, where we write “losing direct service” it means just that– the listed destinations would no longer be able to be reached directly on one bus (otherwise known as a “one-seat ride”) under the proposed redesign, but it may be possible to reach those destinations with a transfer. However, it is important to recognize how adding a transfer adds uncertainty and longer commute times to transit trips, and increases wait times in the elements.

Finally, the list below is not a comprehensive list of the changes from the current bus network with the proposed Bus Line Redesign- for instance, we are not laying out proposed improvements to routes, nor are we evaluating service frequency or service span changes. In a few weeks, we will publish a route-by-route comparison of the current system that notes service improvements, accessibility and safety concerns, and service frequency and span changes.

We also are not claiming that these proposed Bus Line Redesign Draft 1.0 service changes are all bad- it’s very possible that these parts of the transit routes have very low ridership, and so this service can be re-allocated to different places without much concern. However, we believe that the Bus Line Redesign must grow ridership, grow transit service in marginalized communities, and make transit trips faster and more direct, and this is a resource to evaluate whether the Bus Line Redesign Draft 1.0 will do that, or not.

So take a look at how the Bus Line Redesign would affect your community below, let PRT know what you think, and sign on to support PPT’s Vision for a Bus Line Redesign for All! You can also let us know at if we’ve missed other important impacts that you see with the Bus Line Redesign Draft 1.0.

Click the community to jump to the impacts:

Baldwin Borough/Whitehall

  • Service along the current Y45 is almost completely eliminated, with no replacement.
  • Loss of Y47 service along Brownsville Rd between Provost Rd and Knoedler Drive.
  • Complete loss of 44 service in Baldwin on Agnew Rd, Custer Ave, Spencer Ave and Churchview Ave, with no fixed route service replacement. 

PRT’s proposed Bus Line Redesign replacement routes of D46 and D49 are inaccessible by foot in the neighborhood. A previous 5-10 minute walk to a bus stop will now involve a harrowing half hour walk along a busy road without sidewalks, making the area highly inaccessible by transit. Furthermore the replacement bus service being offered now results in a much longer commute going through Century Square and Prospect Park.

Residents were already struggling with overcrowded buses on the Y45, because of service reductions over the past several years.


  • Elimination of 44 service in Beltzhoover along Climax St, Gearing Ave and Chalfont St, with no replacement fixed route transit service in those neighborhoods.


  • Loses 87 service altogether.
  • Loses direct 54 service to North Oakland, South Side & Slopes, Mount Oliver, Knoxville, Bon Air, Allentown & Beltzhoover.
  • Loses direct 64 service to Shadyside and Chatham University.
  • Loses direct 87 service to Morningside, Stanton Heights & Upper Lawrenceville. 
  • Loses direct 93 service to Greenfield, Hazelwood & Glen Hazel. 
  • Loss of all 54 & 71C on Centre Avenue service with no proposed increase in 71A (O95) service ensures overcrowding and pass-ups in this busy transit corridor.
  • Reroutes 64 service away from the entrances to West Penn Hospital & Children’s Hospital.

Bon Air

  • Complete removal of 54 routing (and all bus service) from Bon Air.


  • Elimination of P10 service. Proposed transit service replacement is serving a different portion of the community.

Pittsburgh Regional Transit’s proposed Bus Line Redesign shifts bus service to the River Ave portion of the community (on the proposed N1) from the current Freeport Road and 9th Ave vicinity.


  • Loses direct connection to the Waterfront. Proposed service will require a transfer at Swissvale Station. 

The routes in this region are all being broken up and reassembled into different routes connecting to different places, so there will be substantial impacts to current riders.

Braddock Hills

  • Loss of P68 service on Brinton Rd between Ardmore Blvd and Yost Blvd, with no replacement transit service.

The routes in this region are all being broken up and reassembled into different routes connecting to different places, so there will be substantial impacts to current riders.

Carnegie/Scott Township

  • Loss of G31 service on 3rd Street and Caruthers Ave between Carnegie & Heidelberg, with no replacement transit service on that corridor. 


  • Loss of P76 service on Ardmore Blvd and US 30 between Yost Blvd and State Rt 48, would be discontinued. 
  • Additional loss of current 69 service and loss of 59 service leaves this community with no remaining transit service under the Bus Line Redesign proposal. 

Corliss/Crafton Heights 

  • Loss of service along Middletown Road, Ladoga St, Faronia St, and Jeffers St with the elimination of the 27 bus.


  • Loss of both the 1 and the P10, which leaves the community entirely without transit service.


  • 87 service on Friendship Avenue is eliminated altogether.
  • Loses direct 87 service to Morningside, Stanton Heights & Upper Lawrenceville.
  • Loss of all 71C on Centre Avenue service with no proposed increase in 71A (O95) service ensures overcrowding and pass-ups in this busy transit corridor.


  • Loses the direct connection with North Versailles Walmart


  • Loses fast, direct service to Downtown via 2nd Ave (instead routing Downtown service through a longer route via Oakland).
  • Loses direct connections to Homestead, Lincoln Place, Munhall, West Mifflin, most of the Squirrel Hill business district, Duquesne and Walmart in Century Square by eliminating the current 52L, 53L, 65 & 93 service.
  • Eliminates bus service on lower Greenfield Avenue between Ronald St and Irvine St, currently served by the 58.
  • Eliminates bus service on Winterburn Ave and Bigelow St, without replacement.

The Busline Redesign team claims that the geography and topography of the neighborhood makes service challenging, which is the exact reason that residents are asking for accessible transit, with steep hills and roads that are not very walkable. 

Hays/Lincoln Place

  • Hays will see the elimination of current 56 bus service along Mifflin Road, with no replacement transit service.

Hazelwood & Glen Hazel

  • Loss of direct 56 service to Hays, Dravosburg, McKeesport and Penn State McKeesport.
  • Loss of direct 93 service to Greenfield, Squirrel Hill, North Oakland, Bloomfield and Lawrenceville. 

Hill District (High Rise on Crawford/Bedford) 

  • Elimination of 81 service to Bedford & Crawford senior citizen highrise. 

The proposed replacement service will be rerouted to Centre Avenue, which residents are concerned is inaccessible given the mobility limitations of many residents in that complex. 

Homeville Section of West Mifflin & West Mifflin west of Duquesne

  • With the elimination of the 52L, Mifflin St and Cipher St in Whittaker, most of Homeville Rd in West Mifflin (all but 1 block), Pennsylvania Ave in the Duquesne Annex Section, and Conlin St will lose all transit service.


  • 77 and 86 service will be combined into a single route D86, reducing service on Frankstown Avenue.
  • Direct service to Baum and Bigelow Boulevards will be discontinued.
  • D86 will operate to Penn Hills (to Alcoma Apartments only).  It will not operate to CCAC-Boyce.
  • D86 will stop running about 9 pm on Sunday with low service frequencies both Saturday & Sunday/Holiday. 


  • Elimination of the current 44 service in Knoxville along Charles Street and Knox Ave, with no fixed route transit replacement.


  • Loss of all service on Peebles Rd between McIntyre Square and Sample Rd, with no replacement.
  • Loss of all service on Sample Rd, Presidential Drive to North Park and Hemlock, with no replacement

Mount Lebanon/Scott Township

  • Loses current 41 service on Bower Hill Road from Kane Blvd to Bridgeville.  
  • Eliminates some substantial portions of the current 36 bus, including all of Cedar Boulevard, and elimination of all transit service south of Cochran Road at Bower Hill Rd, including Gilkeson Rd and the Galleria. 
  • Loses current 38 service on Greentree Rd between Cochran Rd and Swallow Hill Rd, and 38 service between Swallow Hill Rd & Lindsay Rd, both without a proposed transit service replacement.

Mt Oliver

  • Elimination of 44 service in Mount Oliver on Penn Ave and St Joseph St, with no replacement.

Natrona Heights

  • Loss of commuter service to Downtown 
  • Loss of direct connections to places between the Tarentum Bridge and the New Kensington Bridge
  • Loss of direct connections to communities between Downtown and the Hulton Bridge, north of the Allegheny River.

North Oakland

  • Loss of all 54 & 71C service with no proposed increase in 71A (O95) service ensures overcrowding and pass-ups in this busy transit corridor. 

North Versailles/East McKeesport 

  • There will no longer be direct service from North Versailles and East McKeesport to Downtown, which is currently provided by the P76. 
  • Crestas Terrace will be further from transit service requiring a lengthier walk.

The routes in this region are all being broken up and reassembled into different routes connecting to different places, so there will be substantial impacts to current riders.

However, there are some notable improvements. There will be new service between Haymaker Village, Pitcairn, Wilmerding, North Versailles, Walmart, Braddock and Swissvale Station on the N65. There will also be new service on 5th Ave between McKeesport and East McKeesport on the N56, which will connect Penn State, McKeesport proper, Walnut St, Olympia Shopping Center and Versailles. North Versailles will get new service from Walmart on the N63 to Monroeville Mall and Forbes Hospital.

O’Hara Township (VA Hospital)

  • The VA Hospital will only be served by N92 from East Liberty. For many riders 3 buses and lengthy travel times may be required to reach the VA Hospital.

Penn Hills

  • Loss of all service (P16) along Universal Road, Long Road, Milltown Rd and Hulton Rd including to Hulton Arbors.

Polish Hill

  • Loss of 54 service resulting in the loss of direct service to North Side, the popular part of the Strip District, Bloomfield, North Oakland, Oakland, Bon Air.
  • Loss of 77 service along Bigelow Boulevard resulting in the loss of direct service to Downtown, Baum Boulevard, East Liberty, Penn Hills, Plum and CCAC-Boyce. This is an important connection to the Giant Eagle Market District.

For many in Polish Hill, walking to Herron Ave to catch the replacement service is not easily accessible because of the distance and the topography. Under this BLR Draft proposal, Polish Hill residents will have to transfer to go to the nearest grocery store, which is located only 1 mile away.

Reserve Township

  • Complete loss of current Route 4 service on Mount Troy Road and loss of all of the Route 7 service, with no transit service replacement. There is only a very small sliver of Spring Garden Rd that will retain service via the proposed D15.

Ross Township

  • Loss of all service between Siebert Rd and Peebles Road currently served by the 05, with no replacement.


  • Loss of all 54 & 71C service with no proposed increase in 71A (O95) service ensures overcrowding and pass-ups in this busy transit corridor. 

St Clair

  • Complete loss of 44 bus service in the St. Clair neighborhood on Mountain St, Fisher St, Schuler St and Kohne St, with no fixed route transit replacement. 

Summer Hill

  • Loss of service on Colby Street currently served by the 6, 7 and 15 with no replacement. There is also no appropriate bus stop location on Mt Pleasant Rd at Colby St.


  • Loss of fast, direct service to downtown currently served by the P10. 
  • There will no longer be service in West Tarentum along Freeport Rd, which are currently serviced by the 1 and the P10. 

Turtle Creek & Wilmerding (Airbrake Ave) & Trafford 

  • These communities will see the loss of bus service altogether, with no replacement.