Join the core team to coordinate the direction of Pittsburghers for Public Transit.
Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots, democratic, member-led organization that fights for public transit as a human right. PPT’s Coordinating Committee is the equivalent of our board of directors. We are looking for people who understand the importance of our work for transit justice in Allegheny County, and are looking to get more involved in directing the course of our campaigns, communications, and actions. See the list of current Coordinating Committee Members here. Up for nomination are seats currently filled by James Hanna, Kevin Joa, Dean Mougianis, Briann Moye, and Mayor Nickole Nesby.
Nominate yourself or someone who inspires you with their leadership, vision, and commitment to transit justice.
Black, Indigenous, People of Color, LGBTQ People, People with Disabilities, Immigrants, Womxn, and Youth nominations are strongly encouraged.
Coordinating Committee Structure and Expectations
Each July, PPT members vote for leaders to fill seats on PPT’s 5-11 member Coordinating Committee. Coordinating Committee Members serve a 2-year term. All PPT members who have paid dues for at least 6-months can run for the Coordinating Committee.
2 seats must be filled by members of the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 85 (the union that represents all of the Port Authority’s bus operators and maintenance workers) or another transportation union that represents workers in Allegheny County because strong community/labor solidarity is a central belief of the organization. The other seats are filled by members who have had previous experience with PPT’s work, and are looking to bring their involvement to the next level. One seat is reserved for the Director of the Thomas Merton Center, the organization that acts as PPT’s fiscal sponsor.
From our bylaws: “The Coordinating Committees shall have charge of the proper, normal, and usual expenditures and other business of the corporation; they shall enforce the provision of these bylaws; they shall abide by the policies and procedures set forth in the Policies and Procedures Manual, and shall enforce the rules and regulations set forth for the management, care, and governance of the property and affairs of the corporation. The Coordinating Committee may employ or appoint such person or persons, or agents, as they deem necessary to further the business of PPT and shall set and adjust the compensation of all persons or agents so employed or appointed.”
Quality candidates are active with PPT or bring experience that the membership finds important for moving the organization forward.
Members of the Coordinating Committee are expected to attend quarterly Coordinating Committee meetings – on the second Saturday of January, April, July, and October – and should also stay engaged with General Membership Meetings on the second Wednesday of each month.
Additionally, Coordinating Committee members will need to maintain active lines of communication with PPT staff and other PPT members to advise and assist with the organization’s strategy, tactics, structure, and financial sustainability. CC Members should also serve on one of PPT’s three committees (Organizing Committee, Communications Committee, and Research Committee).
Nominations and Elections
Nominations are open until July 6th. PPT staff will confirm with each nominee whether they accept the nomination to be on the ballot. Each nominee will also be invited to submit up to 250 words about their background, experience, and vision for the organization. This can be submitted through the nomination form, email, or via phone and PPT staff will transcribe.
Nominee bios will be sent to PPT members the week of June 14th and again the week of July 5th. Bios will also be included in the ballot. Nominees will have 3 minutes to speak at the July 14th PPT member meeting before votes are cast to highlight their vision for PPT and how their skills will help build the organization.
Voting in the 2021 Coordinating Committee election will open at PPT’s monthly meeting on July 14th, and run until July 21st. PPT members cast their vote via a google form that will be shared at the July meeting and emailed. PPT members are all those who support the Transit Bill of Rights, have participated in a PPT action or meeting, and have given dues of at least $2.75 cents within the last year. If PPT Members are not able to join the meeting, they can reach out to to arrange for a ballot.
PPT Coordinating Committee Election Schedule
- Nominations are open until July 6th. Submit your nomination here.
- Bios of current nominees will be sent to members the week of June 14th and again the week of July 5th. Bios will also be included on the ballot.
- July 14th, 7pm: PPT Monthly Meeting with Coordinating Committee Nominee introductions and Elections, voting opens
- July 21st, 11:59pm: Final deadline for PPT members to submit their ballots online or via phone