Rally and Testify! New Changes Shouldn’t Set Us Back

image description: flyer for the rally on September 29th with a photo of PPT Member Debra Green at a successful PPT rally to stop cuts to the 61C and text reads: Rally and Testify! We want changes to the 61D, 71A,C,D, that build better access, not shortened access and double fares. September 29th. Wood St & Sixth Ave 8:30am rally 9:30am PRT ZBoard Meeting. Join us! bit.ly/prtchanges

New changes to the 71s and 61s and other routes need to benefit riders! RSVP to join us at the rally and testify to the PRT Board of Directors

BRT improvements should improve our transit access, not set us back. Join the rally to speak up for change!

The changes proposed to accommodate the new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT, for short) project between Downtown and Oakland will make riders’ transit access worse, not better. The 61D, 71A, 71C, and 71D will terminate in Oakland, forcing riders to transfer. This makes trips longer and more unpredictable – a hardship for disabled riders, and riders who pay in cash (because they’ll need to pay an additional $2.75 to transfer). Riders will lose access on these routes to jobs, opportunities, and services at UPMC Mercy, Duquesne University, and other Uptown businesses. Additionally, the changes will limit options for residents in Uptown to access fresh groceries, jobs, healthcare, and more.

Check out our blog to recap the changes that are slated for October 1st. If you are impacted by the changes, please share your story with fellow transit advocates by filling out our Transit Trouble form, and join us at our September 29th rally downtown.

Event details

What to expect: attendees will meet the group at the corner of Sixth Ave and Wood Street at 8:30am. Speakers will share their stories, the group will hold signs and participate in chants to elevate our message to the media. At approximately 9:15, the group will walk over to the PRT offices at the Heinz 57 Center. We will check in, ride the elevators up to the PRT Board Room, and sit down for the meeting. After the Board Conducts the business portion of the agenda, those who have signed up to give public testimony will be invited to a microphone. After all the speakers share their comments the meeting will conclude and we will leave the boardroom, return to the street, and head home.

Accessibility: The corner where we will meet for the rally is outside, in downtown Pittsburgh. So participants should dress for the weather. Reasonably smooth sidewalks and street crossings are available for the 1-block walk over to PRT’s offices inside the Heinz 57 Center. The entrances and elevators are accessible, and there are chairs inside the boardroom. If you need any accommodations to make the meeting or rally more accessible, please let one of our organizers know and we can coordinate with the PRT staff.

Getting there: Many of the system’s routes will bring you to downtown Pittsburgh. If you need a ride, please reach out to PPT at info@pittsburghforpublictransit.org to coordinate. Car parking is metered and available on-street or in a garage. Bike parking is available near the rally location as well.

COVID procedures: COVID rates are high. PPT is encouraging all rally attendees to take a COVID test before the rally to be more certain that they are not carrying the virus. We also are encouraging all participants to wear masks outside and inside. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available.