Transit riders release a new report to give the state of public transit in the City of Pittsburgh and outline steps for the City to improve it
Public transportation is a lifeline for tens of thousands of City of Pittsburgh residents. City Council representatives along with Mayor Gainey’s administration have an important but often overlooked role to play in ensuring accessible, quality public transit across all City neighborhoods.
On Wednesday, February 8th at 1 pm, join Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) for a press conference to release our new report, “Representing Our Routes: The State of Public Transit and What the City of Pittsburgh Can Do to Improve It.” Representing our Routes will provide an in-depth view of what transit looks like for constituents in each of Pittsburgh’s different City Council Districts using data and will highlight personal stories from riders. The report will also identify ways in which City Councilmembers can support high-quality, reliable transit in their districts, and can enact policies laid out in the Pittsburgh 100 Day Transit Platform, now adopted into Mayor Gainey’s Transition Plan.
At the press conference, researchers will share broad trends around transit service reliability in the City and key transit destinations, and transit riders from different Council districts will give testimony about their experience using transit in this past year. Afterwards, riders will meet with City Council members individually to do a deep dive into the data in their respective districts and identify concrete ways that elected officials can support high quality transit that meets the needs of riders and businesses.
Press Conference and Report Release: “Representing Our Routes: The State of Public Transit and How the City of Pittsburgh Can Improve It”
Wednesday, February 8th, 1:00pm – 2:00 pm
City County Building – 5th floor outside Council Chambers
What to expect: Speakers and supporters will gather outside City Council Chambers on the 5fth floor of the City County Building to release a new report, “Representing Our Routes: The State of Public Transit and What the City of Pittsburgh Can Do to Improve It”. Attendees will hold signs in support. Printed copies of the new report will be available.
Accessibility: The City County building is an accessible space – although not the easiest to navigate. The accessible entrance to the building is on Ross Street, between Forbes and Fourth ave. Elevators are available to bring attendees to the fifth floor. Pittsburghers for Public Transit will bring some seating for those who want to participate in the rally but need to rest. There will be interpretation in both ASL and Spanish.
Getting there: the doors to City Council Chambers are on the 5th floor of the City-County Building at 414 Grant Street, though the accessible entrance is on Ross Street between Forbes and Fourth ave. Downtown Pittsburgh has plentiful transit service, but attendees should be ready to walk a few blocks from their bus stop to the event location. Bike parking is available under the building’s Portico along Grant Street. And paid car parking is available on the street or any downtown garage.
If any of these transportation modes are cost-prohibitive for you, if you have further accessibility needs, or if you have questions about the event details, please contact PPT to discuss: 703-424-0854 or
COVID procedures: Masks are encouraged indoors. We also encourage everyone to take an at-home COVID rapid test before arriving. Please stay home if you are feeling sick or have come into contact with someone who has COVID-19. There is outdoor space available outside the exits/entrences along Grant Street and Ross Street.
If any of these transportation modes are cost-prohibitive for you, if you have further accessibility needs, or if you have questions about the event details, please contact PPT to discuss: 703-424-0854 or