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When we fight, we win! Planning Commission denies developers’ plans citing lack of community process
On Tuesday, January 10th, the city Planning Commission denied LG Realty approval of their preliminary land development plans for the Penn Plaza site. This vote was delayed from a previous commission hearing in December, during which hundreds of community members, residents, and supporters came out to testify about the massive displacement, lack of community process, […]
Final Vote on Housing Opportunity Fund Happening Dec 20th!
The final vote on the housing opportunity fund is happening tomorrow, December 20th at the City County Building (414 Grant Street) at 10am. PPT supports the creation of this fund, especially based on the community control through the advisory board, the tenant protections, and the anti-displacement policies. However, we are very concerned that access to […]
Penn Plaza re-development vote postponed until January 10th
After a 3 hour-long public hearing, with lots of opposition to the Penn Plaza re-development presented, the Planning Commission filed for a “continuance,” which means they’ll deliberate and vote on the preliminary land development plan on January 10th. Planning Director Ray Gastil mentioned that they needed time to address the concerns about community process and […]
PNC: work with the city to restore the transit seating at Forbes and Wood
UPDATE: We have received word from PNC that they intend to restore seating for riders, closer to the bus stop itself. This is good news, and we will be in touch with them about how to create a space that is most amenable to the folks who use the stop each day. December 5, […]
Mifflin Estates Residents Call for Bus Service
Residents in Mifflin Estates addressed the Port Authority Board Meeting on Friday, October 28th, 2016 and delivered powerful testimonies of their experiences and daily struggles with transit in their community. A resident of Garfield, Donna Lee Terry spoke in solidarity with them, drawing parallels between her own experience without weekend service in Garfield (prior to […]
On Saturday, October 8th, over 75 residents from Garfield and Penn Hills, and supporters from across Pittsburgh, filled the Kelly Strayhorn theater lobby to celebrate the success of their campaigns for increased bus service! After a year of community meetings, petitions, rallies, and testimonies before the Port Authority Board and elected officials, residents now have […]