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PPT position on Bus Rapid Transit proposal
Media Release: Position on Bus Rapid Transit, April 5, 2017 Pittsburghers for Public Transit sees opportunities with the Bus Rapid Transit project proposal, but we also have many concerns and unanswered questions—about both the project and the public process. 60,000 transit riders are in the corridor between Downtown, Uptown, Oakland, and beyond each day. There […]
PPT leadership transition
Molly Nichols, the current Director of PPT, will be moving with her family to Tacoma, Washington this summer. We are acting very quickly to hire a new director, aiming for a June start date, which would allow for some overlap with Molly to ease the transition. Job description is below. Please submit resume and 1 […]
PPT Updates and Calls to Action
Mifflin Estates Transit Campaign Intensifies! Thanks to the hard work of residents at Mifflin Estates, on March 7th, County Council put forth a motion to urge Port Authority to support the reinstating of bus service to the community. The motion was sponsored by Rep. Bob Macey who is the county council representative for West Mifflin. […]
Celebrate Transit Worker Appreciation Day March 21st!
Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) is celebrating National Transit Worker Appreciation Day on Tuesday, March 21st. PPT encourages riders and residents to thank our Port Authority bus and rail operators and maintenance workers for keeping us moving. We are coordinating over a dozen volunteers to distribute thank you cards and candy to transit riders, who […]
PPT challenges Uber and calls for support for workers, immigrants, and public transportation
PPT co-sponsored a rally and march this past Saturday Feb 4 to challenge Uber and their relationship to our City. While PPT recognizes the value of on-demand transportation service in our region, we want to challenge Uber’s business model, which skirts regulations and restricts workers’ rights to organize. We are also concerned about the partnership […]
January Monthly Meeting: Reminding ourselves why we do what we do
PPT had its first monthly meeting the day after the housing victory, and there was a feeling of excitement and pride. Folks involved in different campaigns and causes gathered around the table, and had a conversation about the need for recognizing the intersections of all our identities and standing in solidarity with each others’ fights […]