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Important Community Meeting in N Point Breeze and Homewood, Thursday Nov 2!
We know that transit assets like the MLK East Busway are often the first sites of displacement and gentrification in cities, and that the housing costs along the stops of the East Busway have been escalating in recent years. Rising housing and rental costs mean that low income transit riders that depend on public transit to get […]

Latinx Transit Riders Would Not Ride Transit If Port Authority Cooperates with ICE
Organizer Krystle Knight from the Thomas Merton Center shares survey responses from Latinx transit riders, who would be reluctant to use the T if Port Authority police were checking fares, and if public transit was serving as an immigration checkpoint.

Mon Valley Residents Say No to Implementing BRT on their Backs
Powerful testimony on Friday, October 27, in the Port Authority Board Room about the consequences of implementing the Bus Rapid Transit plan at the expense of riders on the 61 and 71 buses. Currently the Port Authority is anticipating a 45 % cut in frequency on the 61 buses, and mandatory transfers in Oakland for riders […]

Full room at the Duquesne BRT Meeting Yesterday!
Full room at the Duquesne BRT meeting yesterday! Thanks to everyone who came out to say “NO” to more cuts to service. The BRT meetings in Braddock, Duquesne, and McKeesport over the past several weeks have been packed, and residents raised many important concerns around the current proposed BRT plan. As it stands, riders on […]

Which side are you on, Dom? Say “NO” to criminalization of transit riders!
Thanks to all who came out yesterday to oppose armed police checking fare payment on our public transit. We’re asking Dom Costa and the Port Authority board: which side are you on? Your constituents say “NO” to the criminalization of transit riders. Transportation not Deportation! Public Transit, not a Checkpoint! http:// Crystal Jennings leading chants […]

PPT Meeting Scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th!
Please join us for our October PPT meeting on Tuesday, October 17th at 7pm at 1 Smithfield Street downtown. Hear updates about our campaigns and actions over the past month and ways to plug in in upcoming events. For more information, please call (718) 309-0853