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Mifflin Estates wins bus service!!!

A huge win for Mifflin Estates! Props to everyone who helped make this happen! Port Authority says it will restore service to Mifflin Estates, use part surplus to balance proposed budget by Ed Blazina, Pittsburgh Post Gazette Starr Magwood has watched for more than five years as her neighbors at Mifflin Estates in West Mifflin […]

PPT announces incoming director!

PPT is very pleased to announce that Laura Wiens has accepted our offer to become the PPT Director. She will start in mid-June, and Molly’s last day will be June 30th. Please join us in welcoming Laura in her new role! Laura has been involved with Pittsburghers for Public Transit since 2013, and is a […]

Port Authority delays implementation of proof of payment on the T

In response to concerns from advocates, Port Authority delays implementation of proof of payment on the T. Representatives from Casa San Jose, Alliance for Police Accountability, Pghers for Public Transit, the Thomas Merton Center, and the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network at the Port Authority board meeting to share concerns about the proof of payment policy. […]

PPT position on Bus Rapid Transit proposal

Media Release: Position on Bus Rapid Transit, April 5, 2017 Pittsburghers for Public Transit sees opportunities with the Bus Rapid Transit project proposal, but we also have many concerns and unanswered questions—about both the project and the public process. 60,000 transit riders are in the corridor between Downtown, Uptown, Oakland, and beyond each day. There […]

PPT leadership transition

Molly Nichols, the current Director of PPT, will be moving with her family to Tacoma, Washington this summer. We are acting very quickly to hire a new director, aiming for a June start date, which would allow for some overlap with Molly to ease the transition. Job description is below. Please submit resume and 1 […]

PPT Updates and Calls to Action

Mifflin Estates Transit Campaign Intensifies! Thanks to the hard work of residents at Mifflin Estates, on March 7th, County Council put forth a motion to urge Port Authority to support the reinstating of bus service to the community. The motion was sponsored by Rep. Bob Macey who is the county council representative for West Mifflin. […]