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CALL TO ACTION: Please call your legislators to support public transit!

A transportation bill may be introduced in the PA House next week – PLEASE CALL AND EMAIL YOUR LEGISLATORS ASAP to urge them to vote for funding for public transit!Public transit advocates are VERY concerned that a bill without adequate public transit funding might be introduced in the House next week. So, when you call, […]

General Membership Meeting

OUR TRANSIT LINES ARE LIFELINES. JOIN PITTSBURGHERS FOR PUBLIC TRANSIT TO HELP DEFEND THEM! You’re invited to attend our general membership meeting on Saturday, September 21st at 10 AM at the Human Services Building in downtown Pittsburgh (One Smithfield St) to plan our fall actions to defend public transportation in our neighborhoods.At the meeting, we will discuss […]

PPT endorses the Pittsburgh Troublemakers School

Layoffs, union-busting, and slash-and-burn budgets are squeezing working people. Rank-and-file union members and community activists are rebuilding solidarity and fighting back together. Join us. On October 5th, from 11am-5pm, the Pittsburgh troublemakers are planning a day of skill-building workshops, education and strategy discussions to put the movement back in the labor movement.Lunch is provided. Workshops […]

PPT Hill District chapter meeting

If you live in the Hill District, or ride the 81, 82, 0r 83 Port Authority routes, you’re invited to attend the PPT Hill District chapter meeting on Monday, September 16th at 6:30-8pm at the Hill District Carnegie Library, 2177 Centre Ave. At the meeting, we will discuss ways that we can work together to… Call […]

Labor Day Parade Action For Public Transit!

Labor Day Parade Action For Public Transit!Monday, Sept 2, 9-11:30 a.m.Meet at Freedom Corner (Centre and Crawford Avenues in the Hill District) Please join a broad-based coalition of public transit advocates to lobby for public transit before and during Pittsburgh’s Labor Day Parade! We will distribute leaflets with key information and contact information to call […]