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The Baldwin Campaign in the Media
Here is the recent City Paper article, which features aspects of our campaign in Baldwin: Baldwin residents pushing the conversation on route restoration Do you want to get involved? Check out the “Baldwin” tab of our website. And come to the next community meeting on August 5th, 7 pm, at 3344 Churchview Ave: see flier […]

2nd Baldwin community meeting on transit a success!
50 Baldwin residents came to the community meeting on Wed July 9th to participate in the campaign to restore transit service in the neighborhood. Residents discussed 2 possible routes, and they developed plans for next steps. One committee is developing a petition campaign. Another is planning to staff a table at Baldwin Community Day on […]
2nd Baldwin Community Meeting, Wed July 9th
The Baldwin campaign to restore service is really moving! On June 27th, 4 Baldwin residents spoke at the Port Authority board meeting about the need for transit service. Additional residents were present to show their support. Board Chair Bob Hurley acknowledged that he had received many letters. See Trib article here. A delegation of residents […]
Materials from the Baldwin Community Meeting 6/18/14
Did you miss our community meeting in Baldwin last night, but still want to be clued into the campaign? Or, do you want to share some of the materials we distributed with friends, family, and neighbors? Now you can! Seventy residents met last night and agreed to two immediate plans of action: 1) A letter-writing […]
Community Meeting on Public Transportation in Baldwin
PPT will be helping to facilitate a community meeting with the residents of Baldwin to talk about the borough’s transit needs and steps that can be taken to help improve and restore service. See all the details below and help us to publicize by distributing the attached poster to your friends and neighbors! Community Meeting […]

PPT joins the ATU for Transit Action Month!
On Tuesday, May 20, members of PPT and the ATU’s Local 85 joined transit supporters from around the country in our nation’s capitol to call for federal transportation funding. The rally and lobby day was organized by the Amalgamated Transit Union and the Transit Workers’ Union as a part of their Transit Action Month campaign. […]