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TRANSIT TALES True-life stories and panel discussion on our public transit choicesThursday, April 17th at 7pm The Kaufman Center 1835 Centre Ave (right by the Hill House) Bricolage’s Fifth Wall series seeks to break down the barriers between scripted storytelling and current events in the world at large. The 2014 Fifth Wall Series continues with […]

Transportation funding bill imperiled! Please keep calling these state legislators!

BREAKING: Pa. transportation funding bill in jeopardy Please email your own legislator using this easy to use site . And here’s the site where you can look up the phone number of your state legislator. Contact Key LegislatorsIn addition to urging your own elected officials to vote for the funding, we are asking that you […]

Last Call for Transit! Volunteers are needed!

The PA General Assembly is down to the wire, with just five session days left to address the transportation funding issue before Thanksgiving. That’s why we’re reaching out to legislators tomorrow to impress upon them how important it is that they pass a robust bill that funds transit, as well as roads and bridges. Most important […]

Public Transit in Our Communities: calling for inclusive planning.

Recent Pittsburgh Post-Gazette articles raised concerns about potential plans for a “bus free downtown” and, more importantly, the possibility of non-inclusive public transit planning processes that would give more weight to a limited range of developer and business interests rather than to the needs of a broad range of stakeholders that would be most affected […]

Hill District Chapter meeting on Friday, October 18th

You’re invited to attend the PPT Hill District Chapter meeting on Friday, October 18th, at 6:30 pm at the Hill House, Conference Room B, 1835 Centre Ave.At the meeting, we will discuss ways that we can work together to… Mobilize our neighbors, fellow riders, and drivers to restore and improve service.  Address the Hill District’s […]