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PPT speaks at Port Authority Board meeting emphasizing the importance of public input
Here are excerpts from PPT’s comments delivered by Molly Nichols and Jonah McAllister-Erickson on January 30, 2015: We want to thank the Port Authority for being open to hearing PPT’s concerns and questions and to meeting with residents who have particular service requests. PPT and the residents appreciate the open dialogue, and as you know, […]
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Contact County Council Members to Fund Public Transit
At the county council meeting on Dec. 2, Heather Heidelbaugh put forward an amendment to the operating budget that allocated 3 million dollars from the county’s transit support fund balance (from drink tax and car rental revenue) to Port Authority’s operating budget. These funds would allow Port Authority to add more transit service. This amendment […]
Giving Tuesday!
Support from you will help us continue our campaigns for transit service! Click on the donate button above.
***MEDIA RELEASE*** Nov 21, 2014 Contact: Molly Nichols (412) 216-9659 Amendment to County Drink Tax Allocation Proposed At the County Council Budget and Finance committee meeting on Thurs Nov 20, Councilwoman Green Hawkins and Councilwoman Heidelbaugh put forward an amendment to the proposed county operating budget for 2015. Co-sponsored by Councilwoman Danko, the […]
Keeping up the pressure for improved public transit
PPT has been busy these past few months, supporting community campaigns in their efforts to get service to their neighborhoods and ensuring that decision-makers make providing service to transit deserts more of a priority. Here is PPT’s op-ed highlighting the issue of transit deserts:Don’t leave transit deserts high and dry Here is a report from […]