Labor Day Parade Action For Public Transit!

Labor Day Parade Action For Public Transit!
Monday, Sept 2, 9-11:30 a.m.
Meet at Freedom Corner (Centre and Crawford Avenues in the Hill District)

Please join a broad-based coalition of public transit advocates to lobby for public transit before and during Pittsburgh’s Labor Day Parade!

We will distribute leaflets with key information and contact information to call Governor Corbett, House Majority Leader Turzai, and House Minority Leader Dermody to urge them to support transportation legislation that includes public mass transit. We will work to have hundreds of calls completed and logged by the end of the event to demonstrate powerful evidence of mass support for all crucial transportation infrastructure in Pennsylvania to our elected officials.

PPT will meet ATU Local 85, the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network, the Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group, and other coalition partners on Monday, September 2 at 9:00 a.m. at Freedom Corner (Centre and Crawford Avenues in the Hill District, above the Consol Energy Center). We will spread out across the parking lots where over 30,000 marchers will be congregating before the parade to distribute flyers and invite people to call their elected officials on the spot. We will finish around 11:30 a.m.

If you can help advance this important work by volunteering, please email us, with CC: to both PIIN event organizer Carol Ballance at and to PPT organizer Helen Gerhardt at And please invite others to join us.