Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots union of transit riders, workers and neighbors. Together we organize for an expanded, affordable and accessible public transit system that meets all needs, with no communities left behind.
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Allegheny County Council hearing on UPMC role in our community
Pittsburghers for Public Transit will help rock the Allegheny County Courthouse today at 5pm. Help make our voices heard that UPMC, as “charity,” should actually act like a nonprofit, instead of making big bucks off their community. Ask our elected leaders to stand up for people who voted for them by demanding that UPMC give […]
PPT General membership meeting on November 17th
The PPT General Membership meeting is this Saturday, November 17th at 10am at the Thomas Merton Center, 5129 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224. Agenda includes: Up/down vote on nominations for Coordinating Committee: Paul O’Hanlon and Mel Packer Report from subgroups: outreach, media, direct organizing, etc. Reports on Hill Consensus Group meeting, PCRG forums on Transit […]
Transit Bill of Rights
At the last general membership meeting on October 20th, Pittsburghers for Public Transit voted on a Transit Bill of Rights: Members of our community need public mass transit for basic mobility and access to work, school, hospitals, shopping areas, recreational facilities, polling places, places of worship, and families and friends. Public mass transit is a […]

NEXT MEETING: Sat Nov 17, 2012. 10 am at Thomas Merton Center. (General membership meetings are the 3rd Saturday of each month)This website and all our educational materials are currently being redesigned – stay tuned for some big changes. Here’s a basic summary of the Proposal for Organization, Strategy, Tactics, Activities that was revised and voted for […]
NEXT PPT MEETING: Saturday, October 20th, at 10 am at The Thomas Merton Center (5129 Penn Ave).Join a team of transit drivers, riders, and supporters working together to defend and expand mass transportation in our region. Come to find out how you can contribute to local and statewide campaigns to secure long-term, dedicated transit funding. We’ll be sharing news […]

PPT in the News: The Transit Crisis Isn’t Over
On October 11th, members of the ATU’s Local 85 voted to ratify a contract that included $60 million in concessions over the next four years. Their actions, along with funds from the state and county, averted the devastating 35% service cut that had been slated to take effect in September. However, all of this is […]
Meeting on July 21st
Join us for a meeting at 10am at the Thomas Merton Center. We’ll be meeting with members of ATU Local 85.
Meeting with ATU Local 85 and the International President
Today we met at the ATU Local 85 headquarters along with International President, Larry Hanley. We’ve got only a couple months before the bus cuts take effect. We’ll be working closely with the union and PPT has got big plans for September 8th.
Raising the Issue
Over the past couple weeks we’ve passed out 10,000 of our 2nd edition ‘PA Needs Transit’ newspaper. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can download the digital version here: PA Needs Transit
The End Is Near
If you missed our doomday flyering or just want a copy of the flyer, click here.
Recap of 6/8 Save Our Public Transit March
PPT led a spirited demonstration to Save Our Public Transit on Friday, June 8th in Downtown Pittsburgh. Over 200 transit riders and workers marched together to call for more public transit—not less. Besides demanding a stop to bus cuts, speakers called upon lawmakers to create a dedicated source of funding for transportation and upon corporations […]