Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots union of transit riders, workers and neighbors. Together we organize for an expanded, affordable and accessible public transit system that meets all needs, with no communities left behind.
Better transit starts by signing up here:
Latest Posts

Huge Victory: Our Transit for All PA! wins millions for public transit
Thank you Governor Shapiro for hearing our call to flex funding and save SEPTA! Now we’re ready to support you in winning a permanent funding solution that expands access for people across our state. Join more than 6,500 Transit for All PA! supporters who took action. Lets thank Governor Shapiro and show that we’re ready […]

Year End Transit Justice Victory Party!
You’re invited! Get your ticket today to join PPT’s Year-End Transit Justice Victory Party! PPT Year-end Transit Justice Victory PartyThursday, December 19th, 6-10pmEast End Cooperative Ministries6165 Harvard Street in East Liberty, 15206 Visualize & Mobilize: We win when we have a vision of a better world and commit to building community to make it real. […]

More Bus Shelters! Check Our New Map, Testify at City Council, Call for Better.
Join PPT on Tuesday, 11/19 at 10am, to call for more bus shelters in the city budget. No one wants to wait in the wind and rain for a bus. The City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure controls nearly all the bus shelter in the City. They want to do better for transit […]

The Future of Transit Justice! Give Input On PPT’s 2025 Strategic Plan
Thank you for helping us shape the future of transit justice in Pittsburgh! Every year, our grassroots union engages in a collaborative planning process to chart a path for our growth in the coming year. We brainstorm ideas for our internal organizational development to create goals for how we support our members and build up […]

PPT CHEAT SHEET for reading the new Bus Line Redesign
Public transit is a public good that needs to work for everyone. With PRT’s Bus Line Redesign that proposes changes to nearly every route, every stop, and every schedule, the time is now for transit advocates to support a redesign that works for all. Before you go any further, sign-on to support this vision today: […]

We Want the Bus Line Redesign to Benefit All!
Your Action is Needed to Ensure PRT’s Bus Line Redesign Serves Our Communties Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT) has released the first draft of the Bus Line Redesign (BLR). This new design contains the most substantial service changes proposed in our lifetime. Tens of thousands of people who use the system every day will be […]

PPT Movie Night! Watch “Union” @ Harris Theater
Join PPT for a movie night to watch “UNION”, a story about the people-powered movement that won the first Amazon union in US history! PPT Movie Night! Watch “Union” @ Harris TheaterWednesday, October 23. 8-10pm$10-$20, but no one turned away for lack of funds Pittsburghers for Public Transit believes in the power of the people […]

Week Without Driving PGH Boosts Stories & Calls for Change!
Whether we live in suburban towns or city neighborhoods, everyone in Allegheny County deserves safe, reliable, dignified access to the places we need to go. Across the county, 30% of the population does not drive a car. The Week Without Driving was developed by disability advocates in Washington state and is now a national initiative, led […]

New “Bus Line Redesign” Proposes Biggest Changes of Our Lifetimes
BIG CHANGES are being proposed to our transit system! We need to organize together to make a system that works for all. Whether you live in McKeesport or McKees Rocks, the Hill District or the South Hills, our public transit system needs to work for everyone. Pittsburgh Regional Transit (PRT) just released the first draft […]

Election Results! New Board Members Elected to Lead Pittsburghers for Public Transit
Congratulations to the new PPT Board Members, elected by our general membership to lead us 2024-2026! Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a democratic, grassroots, member-led organization and we practice what we preach. Each Spring into Summer, our members participate in a democratic process to determine a new group of leaders who will join our organization’s […]

Testify Now to Help Win a Pathway to More Affordable/Free Fares
Take action now to support the newly proposed PRTner Pass to establish a permanent employer and developer transit fare program that could mean free transit for workers and tenants in Allegheny County! We at Pittsburghers for Public Transit (PPT) celebrate the opening of the public comment period for the long-awaited bulk employer and developer discount […]

Our Own Lorena Peña Sits Down with La Mega Pittsburgh to talk Transit
image description: Lorena, left, standing with Nicole, right, both smiling and wearing red PPT t-shirts PPT Member Lorena takes it to the airwaves to talk about her transit organizing with Pittsburgh’s Latino Community La Mega Pittsburgh sat down with one of our PPT members who has shown herself to be a leader in her community, […]