Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots union of transit riders, workers and neighbors. Together we organize for an expanded, affordable and accessible public transit system that meets all needs, with no communities left behind.

Better transit starts by signing up here:

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Calling All Transit Advocates! Volunteer to Pick Up the Phone for PPT

Its the most wonderful time of the year! Volunteer for one of PPT’s year-end phone banks to help us connect with members. Every year PPT volunteers make hundreds of phone calls to connect to members. We talk about people’s experiences on transit throughout the year; we invite them to our year-end celebration; and we ask […]

New Discount Fares Pilot Application is LIVE!

Very big, very good news! The application is live for the Allegheny Department of Human Services’ new Discount Fare Program. On November 17, the Allegheny County Department of Human Services launched the application for the new Discount Fares Pilot Program. Now, any person receiving EBT/SNAP benefits in September 2022 (or are the parent of a child […]

Help PPT Kickoff New Discount Fare Program

Transit riders spent years advocating for more affordable fares in Allegheny County and we won. On November 17th, our County’s first discount fares program will go live, but community organizing is needed now more than ever. For more than two and a half years, Pittsburghers for Public Transit has been advocating with transit riders and […]

Rider Recommendations for a Successful Discounted Transit Fare Program 

PPT Hosts Fair Fares Workshops with 120+ Low-Income Riders, Develops Recommendations for the Department of Human Services Low-Income Fare Pilot Transit riders have been organizing for years for a fare-free transit program for households that receive SNAP/EBT in Allegheny County. In September, we took one big step towards that goal: the Allegheny County Department of […]

Transit Riders Win Discounted Fares- Now Let’s Make them Permanent!

More affordable fares are coming to our transit system because transit riders took action – but we need to continue organizing to make sure these discounted fares are made permanent and available to all. Take part in the pilot program and help make affordable fares permanent for all SNAP households in Allegheny County. Now, we […]

Disability Advocates Criticize New MovePGH Report

In their newly-released “Move PGH Mid-Pilot Report”, DOMI and Move PGH are Spin Doctors for Spin  Move PGH and the City of Pittsburgh’s Department of Mobility and Infrastructure (DOMI) recently released the “Move PGH Mid-Pilot Report” that provides their assessment of year one of a two-year pilot “to bring Mobility as a Service (MaaS) to […]

Join the team! PPT is hiring a full-time community organizer!

Fall 2022 Pittsburghers for Public Transit is a grassroots nonprofit organization of public transit riders, workers, and residents who defend and expand public transit.  We are seeking a full-time community organizer to start in Winter 2022. The community organizer will work out of our Garfield office, but may work part-time remotely. The primary responsibilities will […]

See the New Service Adjustments to PRT Schedules Q3 2022

Link to Port Authority’s list of upcoming service changes. This month’s changes are less severe than the last two quarters (where service was cut more than 6%), so we’re grateful. However, we’re still operating with significantly less service than before the pandemic. Riders deserve an ambitous and transparent Operations Plan from PRT, so that they […]

Transit Network Redesign Has Big Potential and a Few Pitfalls to Avoid

A redesign of the entire transit system will begin with Downtown, and it kicks off 8/23. We need to ensure that PRT is committed to expanding service and reversing recent cuts, by making our voices heard at public meetings, on-line surveys, or at any of their 8 pop-up events this month. When PRT released it’s […]

Get union strong with PPT & ATU at Labor Day Parade ’22

Join PPT and Amalgamated Transit Union Local 85 as we march in the first in-person Labor Day Parade since the pandemic’s start! PPT is a grassroots union of both transit riders and transit workers. We know that we are the ones using the system every day and that together, we have the knowledge needed to […]

Hottest transit event of the season: PPT Summer Party (PHOTOS!)

PPT Members got together for the first in-person celebration since the start of the pandemic – the result was a magic summer party On August 10th, at the Bartlett Shelter in Schenley Park, PPT Members had reason to celebrate. It was the organization’s Summer Party and the first time that Members had gotten together in-person. […]